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Features captured stills from the August 14, 1998 Chicago show and the Don Hill's show.
Chicago Gallery Don Hill's Gallery

Psychotica Nation

Here's some shots from the Milwaukee show 8-13-98






these pics of Pat didn't turn out so well from my vantage. click to see






Check out Circuschild's recently scanned photos from the June 27th Don Hill's show.

To see photos of some Psychotica Nation kids I met at Don Hill's click here.

Here's a setlist from Friday's show I nabbed from the stage.

click the images to view

 Here's a photo I took when Pat received his awesome book that EVB and coyote put together. Many Fan Club kids in attendence signed it and it also includes fan letters Pat has received in the mail. The book was a great birthday idea that even brought tears to his eyes. He loved it!


 Here's a photo of Pat posing with the goth grrl who runs the Goth Boi website in which Pat was made an honorary Goth Boi of the week!


 Here's a pic of a weary looking Pat after he spent some time playing DJ spinning tunes. darkone wasn't looking too well either by this point in the evening. But I am happy to have finally met Pat Briggs who couldn't be more genuine and sincere! Even after an exhausting, well executed performance, he took his time meeting with fans. He is a great guy!


 Here's Eric Petersen, the new bassist for Psychotica, with my MM concert twin, Kristen. He really is adorable and Kristen wanted me to introduce her to him all evening. After I did that it seemed these two were always together chatting it up! Don't they both look so pretty?


Psychotica Gallery

To see photos of some of the shiny, happy people I met at Don Hill's click here.

I also videotaped this show with my Sony Hi8 HandyCam™ in cinema widescreen that turned out surprisingly well. If you are interested in obtaining a copy of this show, please email me at sixxgunn @

Marilyn Manson New Years Eve

All photos presented here are property of sixxgunn @
Please ask permission if you would like to use them. Thanks!

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