Brijitte West taken by EVB
This page last updated March 28, 1999.
From Metal Wire in the January 1999 Metal Edge (click picture to view)
Pictured here at Alice Cooper's
concert in L.A., former NY Loose singer, Brijitte West and ex-No.
9 bassist Kenny Kweens, now playing guitar, have teamed up with
guitarist Tracy Swider, left, in a new band (actually a quintet)
called Diamond Star Halo. Apparently both of these guys have now left the project. |
Milwaukee 2-28-97
Above are a signed setlist and showbill from the February 28, 1997 show in Milwaukee when NY Loose was opening for the Reverend Horton Heat. Click the images to view.
Below are images from the CD single for "Spit" from the Crow: City of Angels soundtrack. I've only seen one copy of this in St. Louis and I snatched it up right away!
NY Loose "Spit" CD single
These pages are dedicated to a great band that no longer
exists. This band was NY Loose. I had the luxury of being able
to see this band perform live over a dozen times throughout the
Midwest and each and every time was as wonderful as the last.
Unfortunately, due to lack of label support, NY Loose broke up
last year after successful tours with Marilyn Manson and Reverend
Horton Heat among others. Here I am including several pics that
I have personally taken from three of the shows I attended. Below
the pics I give a brief review of the shows here. Click on the
images to view.
These shots were taken in Chicago at the Metro where Zim Zum
joined the band.
This Chicago show was a special one indeed. The date was February
22, 1997. I came by myself with a Motel 666 Spooky Kids LeShirt
for Brijitte (because she had mentioned at a prior show she wished
she could have attended Marilyn Manson's Valentine's Day Show
for which the Motel 666 shirts were created). This was on the
Reverend Horton Heat tour. Once I had arrived, the rumor in the
air was that Zim Zum from Marilyn Manson was in the house and
might perform with NY Loose. (This was entirely possible since
NYL opened for Manson's entire US Fall leg of the Dead to the
World Tour and had become friends with the band Manson.)
Anyhow, the show was excellent
and right before the encore, Brij announced that Zim would be
coming out to join them onstage. Zim, clad in a dark suit, proceeded
out with Brijitte's guitar slung over his shoulder, and the band
kicked into "Spit." With middle fingers and spit flying,
this was easily the most memorable performance of all I've seen.
After the show, I spent the night escorting Brijitte around the
club from the upstairs balcony to the downstairs club where she
sent me spying on Zim & the boys. Later we all retired to
the dressing room where conversations with Zim and Brijitte ensued.
Tina took the picture of Brij and I, and Gloria, Zim's girlfriend,
took the pic of he and I. Oh yeah, she loved the shirt (as did
Zim who received the original Motel 666 LeShirt 2/14/97).
These photos are from the April 8, 1997 Metro show in Chicago
This Metro show wasn't too long after the previous
one (above). The main acts were 13mg and Jane Jensen. This was
a cool show since there were more than a few NYL fans in the crowd.
These four shots were the only photos I took at this show but
I was able to obtain an outstanding video of the show filmed from
the balcony. My brother, Justin, also attended this show with
me. After the show we hung out with Brijitte until we were kicked
out before we could say goodbye. Little did I know that this would
be the second to last time I would see them perform live.
These were taken after the Cleveland show
These two photos were taken after the October 19, 1996
Marilyn Manson Concert at the Agora Theatre in Cleveland (by Erika,
I believe). At most of the Manson shows, NYL wasn't well received
(most likely due to the clash of music styles) and this show was
no exception. Despite my attempts at cheering up Brijitte during
the show with my "Spit On Me!" sign (which she did crack
a smile), the crowd reaction was horrible even though a handful
of us Spooky Kids cheered for them in the front row. Although
Marc was having a great time after their performance (he even
bought me a beer and laid an aftershow pass on me), Brij was visibly
down as seen in the pic. She was appreciative of the sign I made
and autographed it. In the photos are my brother & I flanking
Marc & Brijitte.
Eventually I will have more reviews of some of the
shows I went to including the last time I saw them perform in
St Louis. I may have some older material provided by Brijitte
up as well, not to mention some killer pics taken by my good friend,
EVB, of NYL at the Capitol Ballroom in Washington DC. NYL was
a classic New York band that deserves this recognition and hopefully
will never be forgotten. Possibly I may also have an update on
Brjitte's new project as well.
here's a sample of the great pics EVB took
I believe this is the first time some of these pics have been
posted on the web. Please take a moment to drop me a quick email and tell
me what you think of this page or this band.
All photos presented here are property of Dark
One Designs or EVB.
Please ask permission if you are interested in using
them. Thanks!
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