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Saint Poop Dividians Saint Poop Dividians

Welcome to the

Saint Poop Dividian

Photos courtesy of Spleenie

A place to bask in the glory and scent of
the S A I N T

E-mail Me
to become a dividian.

Click HERE to read the

Just to show you that the Saint does actually have a heart and that I am much more than the synical obnoxious person this site projects check out some pictures of some very important people in my life. MDA Summer Camp 2002 was a very exciting and heart warming experience (as it always is). The kids and adults in these pictures are the personification of what is still so right about this country. And my time spent there is never long enough. The counselors and staff are there for the sole purpose of giving and bring happiness to a bunch of kids out for a good time. The experiences gained by that place are with out parallel as are the people. Thank Johnny it is all you and your pushing that got me out there. Goose I don't have the words for how greatful I am to have your acceptance in this place. What trip to camp would be complete with out "Scully" beauty, brains, and a cute fluffy little beaver to boot. She lucked out and got a really cool camper who also seems to be a good friend. Man you guys make it hard to wait a whole year!
Okay, okay, okay... Now for starters here is a link to Goose's site for MDA Summer Camp 2004 ! As there seemed to be some confusion out there as to how to work a "link" let me clear this up! LOL Just kidding chill out! A lot of you expressed concern as to being able to access my site and getting a message that it was unavailable and that you were wanting to see the camp pics. Well, unfortunately I never had any troubles accessing my site so I was unable to troubleshoot the problem. Sorry guys. But hey here is a new link to Goose's new site I think it is very cool. And don't forget you guys can always email me at saintpoop@yahoo.com. Cya
By the way the page you link to was but together by the one and only "Goose". He built the page from the ground up and took most of the pictures on it. If he didn't take it, it was because he was in the shot.

Click on this for some major league animated ass kicking.

For those of you interested in a little more artisitic and serious look at the Fairy Religion click here.
(before I get a nasty letter.... I know The Saint Poop Dividians have nothing to do with fairies. However everyone could use the opportunity to open your mind to new things and ideas. SO GET OVER IT, DAMN IT!!!!! sorry hang overs are a bitch.)

See my ballz?

Click here to see what I do in my spare time

Click here to see some of my drawrings

Click here to see the mission of my roommate Marceau!

Please, do your self a favor and check out this site.

Notice: This page is still highly under contruction!!!

PS: I farted

Note: Stuff on this page is not necassarily the work of the author.