Maria Celeste

I'm a 25 year old Los Angeles chick.  I have alot going on in my life; 3 careers and all.
Actress, entreprenuer, and web developer. And some how through all that, I find time to spend with my boyfriend and my friends.

Galaxy Screenprinting & Design

glitterlicious clothing

The Accelerators


Acting: for someone who is as outgoing and as attention starved as me, this was a definite. ******MARIA CELESTE****** on the marquee.
Clothes - I love clothes any kind, so I started a t-shirt business with my boyfriend, recently started our own label of embellished shirts.
Web Design - Love it, but I wanna do it just for fun. Go acting & tshirts.

I have tons of siblings, brother and sisters everywhere, and some of them have started families.  Munchkins everywhere.  None mine, yet...

My friends are rad. We kick it alot, just doing stuff we enjoy. My boyfriend is the wickedest guy I could have, I love him so much.