Viper2008's Homepage

I am a 27 year old male, My Name is Rick I was born on June 26th.
I'm a Former Marine.
I live on a farm in Missouri .
I have blond hair
baby blue eyes I am 6'3"
tall and weigh 170 pounds.
I recently got divorced a year and a half ago.
I was hurt in Iraq while
patrolling in Bagadad and ran into a
IUD. I lost my left leg and left arm.
I have my two boy's Eric and Wyatt
The girls went with Amanda

I have a prostatic, left leg and left arm.
I have seizures becuause I got head trama from flying objects during the blast

Like I said earler,I live on the farm with my grandmother and her sister Helen and my sons
We raise chickens, apacas,rabbits and have a large garden right now.
I mowe the lawn work in the garden. and do other chores around the farm.

Things I like to do: listen to music,
watch tv, Play video games and fish with my boys. and go to their ball games.

My Favorites:

Music: Country.

Favorite Singers: Tim Tim McGraw, Tobey Keith, Brad Pasley, Randy Travis

Rheba, Carrie Underwood, Kelley Clarkson, Faith Hill

Lone Star is my favorite county band

Food: Pizza, Tacos, cholocate cake

Drink: Gatorade

Ice cream: Rocky Road

Cookie: M&M and Chocolate Chip

Candy: M&M's

Cloths: Adias, Nikes, Levis

Color: Red.

Cologne: Black Suede.

Animal: Bulldog.

Cartoon Character: Garfield

Garfield Rulez!!! My page dedicated to Garfield.

Starrlite's Homepage My Sister's Homepage.

BSB Always and Forever My Sister Cammie's BSB Page.

Missey_81's Homepage My Cousin's Homepage.

Lacey's Homepage My sister Lacey's Homepage.

JasonScott2000's Homepage My brother Jason's homepage.

Kelly & Wade's Page My friend's Kelly & Wade's page.


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