Well, here's some of the 3d stuff I've been creating over the last 3 months. Still trying to figure out what I'm going to do with it and what sort of job I'll eventually get but time will tell I guess. Going to start work soon on my own professional website, it's going to take me ages but then after that I can hopefully make websites for people to earn some cash. Anyway, take a look at what I've been creating and give me some feedback. I'd say 90% of these pictures are not want I wanted for the following reasons:
  • My pc is way too slow. Buying a new one when Project Offset is released and only then (link).
  • Most of them are very low resolution renders. I think only two of them I did on 'best' render, most of them are rendered on lowest quality so sorry bout that.
  • None of them are finished.

Well hope you like. Comments, suggestions, ideas.. There's a guestbook to sign and view at the bottom of the page, and a forum below to participate in the Grim Design community. This is base camp until the new site is up and running.

I'll send the address for my website as soon as it is completed. It will incorporate 3d and web design and I've already drawn it all up, I just hope I can actually make it. This page may take a while to load, please be patient. Also click here or the link below to check out my latest side project, the Mario murder mix which will eventually become a music video. The music was created from a Gameboy cartridge on a Nintendo DS and the music video will be created using 3d animation and lots and lots of blood.

Cheers, Alex


Devil Grim - Possessed devil face roughly modeled on my own.


This alien was my first attempt at modeling a head in ZBrush.

My alien head mesh.

Basic painting on my head.

A slightly better render.


Cuddly bear. He bites.


A higher demon. I'd like to put something like this on a Slayer t-shirt.

Another angle, some other settings.


Another demon- looked better before I painted it.


My first attempt at sword modeling. Based on the Frostmourne sword from Warcraft 3.

Another render.


A quick 5 minute stuff around with my grim devil head again.


Grim faces...


Evil zombie sheep.


A quick cartoon character test.

Another angle.


My minotaur.

Finally I found the Best Render button. Shiny!


My very first attempt at a proper monster face in ZBrush. Early, early work.


Werewolf model made in 3d. Hair painted on by dropping model to canvas and making in 2.5d.

Werewolf front view.

A view from the side.


One of my final works of 2005 entitled, "The Screamer".


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All images, logos, names and everything appearing on this site are copyrighted by Alex Longman 2006. Grim Design is copyrighted by Alex Longman 2006. ZBrush is copyrighted by Pixologic 2004.