SEQ 2.0
Something Econoline Quarterly ONLINE

Greetings, and Welcome to SEQ 2.0 ONLINE. Please bare with me, as it has been a while since I made a web page. This is my responce for Don English's quarterly Econlone Newsletter that was retired earlier this year (2008). It is missed by many, so one day I hope that this site could be close to what Don had going. Since this is a new start for SEQ, and this the first newsletter for SEQ 2.0, I will try to keep it as simple as I can. Future newsletters will be on the main page (such as this one) and past newsletters will be veiwable via a link on the page. Please note that I only received four newsletters before Don stopped printing. I really don't know what information he would include in his letters. I will try and make this site similar to his final issues, and maybe along the way expand on it. Any questions or comments can be directed to me at PINBALL_FREAK@YAHOO.COM Make sure you put SEQ in the subject line or it may get deleted.

Lets get this started

(SEQ2.0.01: Sept,Oct,Nov 2008)

Upcoming Econoline meets.

Here is a bit of information you may find useful. First is the wiring diagram for your Econoline. This image is from the 61 manual, but it generally the same for all years (only minor changes). Second is the drawing of Fred's Master Cylinder Adaptor. This adaptor makes use of the Maverick's Master Cylinder. You will have to cut the floor with this setup. For larger images just click on any photo below.

Since this is my first newsletter and I don't have a lot of information available at this time, I will provide a link to Ron's reasource site. Please note that it is not a complete list. If you have a link that you feel needs to be added, email him.

Early Econoline Resources

Site created and maintained by: David Mayo.