We are being discriminated against by Harris Bank /or Cornerstone Payment Systems.
After using this company to process Credit cards, for the past year, they have cancelled our service due to our religious beliefs.
This is a clear violation of our constitutional right(s) to free speech AND freedom of religion.
I would advise anyone who still believes in the Constitution to avoid doing business with this company and any of their partners.....
If you are not part of the solution, you are a part of the problem!
If you wish to voice your opinion, their phone number is: 866-277-7589.
To reach the person who directly gave us the info that we were terminated due to our belief system, call Sean @ 678-746-1354 or sjohnson@scj.net

This web Site contains things that may not be suitable for those of you that are under 18 years old, such as:

if you are under age,easily offended or a overzealous bible thumper,
then this page is not for you,


But, if you are into:
  • black metal,
  • death metal,
  • and other types of extreme music
then you are most welcome.

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If you wish to use any of my pics, email me for permission.

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