Wasted Saliva

2 Oktober 2001
woren76 Nanotechnology has been reviewed
and chosen to bear the 2001-2002 Golden Web Award.

10 September 2001
Completed Mock-up page for K-Provam website in less than 8 hours. A record for myself..hehehe..take a look!

3 September 2001
Links and guestsbook are now available! Write something for me...and Salam Merdeka!

29 August 2001
Add profile contents. It's about myself and the career. Check it out!

27 August 2001
Hi there! Assalamualaikum....
For the first and foremost...I would like to welcome all of you to my very first woren76 Portfolio website.

I've completed four segment from this website consisting web design, print, illustration and logo.

Any comments are much appreciated (if you have any). I will keep updating this website to keep it fresh and interesting.

I hope u can enjoy all the works i've done for the past seven years. Till next time..see ya!
