Welcome to my little corner of the institution
Good morning, and pass me the syrup!
Thanks for stopping by! I've decided to do some updating on this page, but it may take a while. My life has changed dramatically since college, so a lot of what you'll read is history. Bear with me, and I give you all the new juicy details.
About Yours Truly
The List
Just For the Fun of It
My Little Mermaid Stuff
Hilarious Quotes
About Yours Truly
Songs That Rock My Face Off
My Writings
The Word of the Day
Quotes from Awesome Movies
The Wonderful and Amazing Mark Philippoussis
(For the brain-impaired, that's Frequently Asked Questions)
My Thoughts On...
Piercing Mildred
Advertisements, Awards, and Links
My search has finally ended.
Most of you out in computer land have no idea what search I'm referring to, probably due to the fact that I just made it up. But that isn't the point. The point is that I'm trying to be humorous. I did a long, strenuous search, lasting approximately ten seconds, trying to find the best web site made by someone named "P.C." The results were amazing. Keeping in mind that I only found one site total, I believe that the best was that of...P.C. WALKER!
So go visit the site already...
P.C.'s House of Smatter
Then come back and tell me if you've figured out what the heck "smatter" is.
Send your comments to:MainStreetAlto@yahoo.com
Please buckle your safety belts and enjoy the ride.

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