How does one define themselves? Names are labels put onto us by our Family, Nicknames are not much more then that, so what truly makes a person a person? I do not know either, there are so many factors one could consider for this. So I guess the easiest way to define who I am is to let each of you who find this know a little more about me, bring you into my life if you will.
I have been known by many names. Upon birth my family named me Jason E. Mellon, or as my Uncle John used to lovingly refer to me as Jackey Flake. At the Diner I frequent (HamFam) I am known as Evo'l. In the SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism) or KUMRC (Kutztown University Medieval and Renaissance Club) I go by the moniker of Vicol Cel Rau De Stravnos. In the world of darkness ( vampire the masquerade) I am Charon Rayvenhearst aka Lord Rayven. These are just a few of the titles and names I have been known by and I will give information upon each, as well as allow you into my head and heart so you can figure out what makes me tick. I warn you though, you could spend a thousand lifetimes with me and still not know everything, and I will always find a way to surpise people. Well enough of the speeches you are here to get to know me so let us begin. |