John's Conservative Opinion Journal

Does John Kerry Support it or is he against it?

John Kerry is truly amazing. He can take both sides of any issue without breaking a sweat. Kerry on abortion: (paraphrase) "I am against abortion, but I support a woman's right to choose." On defense funds in Iraq: " I actually voted for the 87 billion dollars, before I voted against it." In 1971 when he tossed his military ribbons over the fence at the Capital: "I threw my RIBBONS over the fence, not my medals. I'm proud of my medals" I see.....the medals he is proud of but the ribbons that attach to them are shameful. Going into Iraq: "I voted for the THREAT of force" Owning a dreaded SUV: It belongs to my FAMILY, not me." Can you believe this guy? He's all over the map! Of course, checking his Senate voting record reveals he is THE most liberal Senator, even to the left of Ted Kennedy. Kerry knows liberalism doesn't sell on a national level, so he tries to duck and defend his record. My all-time favorite is his pandering to the youth of today: " I've always been fascinated by rap, I think there is a lot of poetry in it, a lot of social anger and I think you better listen to it pretty carefully 'cuz it's important." How pathetic!!!  Does he honestly think that any thinking person would fall for that?

I have the utmost confidence that John Kerry will be defeated by a landslide in November. Unlike Bill Clinton, Kerry doesn't have the slick charm, the friendly southern boy personality. I believe the DNC knows this, and they regret nominating him now because the more Kerry speaks, the less appeal he has to the swing voter. I personally would have preferred Howard Dean to win the Democratic nomination because for all his insanity, he was at least entertaining.
Is there a resemblance here?
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I am a conservative Republican political junkie
Name: John VanStrander