6.22.05 We are at an internet cafe in San Luis Obispo right now trying to figure out what the heck is going on. We got here and found out that our show for tomorrow has been canceled because the venue got shut down. We have nowhere to stay and we have three days off. I'm not sure what we are going to do but we are trying to get ahold of the promoter to see if the show has been moved. Last night we got to the show a little late, but we rocked the hell out of Chain Reaction in Anaheim and made a lot of new friends. California is such a relief from Arizona. Did I mention that Arizona is hell? We drove through the desert for abour 3.5 hours yesterday. People actually live in that shit. It was about 110 out if not hotter and nothing around. Best part of tour thus far: We played the Emerald Lounge in Phoenix a few nights ago. We got done and I backed the van up to load out. Once we were done loading out, the rest of the guys went back inside and I went to repark the van. Now, I should not have been driving at this point, but I figured I could handle the 20 feet back to the parking spot. So I get in the van and just then I am surrounded by five squad cars all shining their lights on the van and myself. "Get out of the vehicle" one of the officers shouts. So I figuratively shit myself, throw the van in park, and get out. Aparently, someone called the cops and said the place was getting robbed. I'm going apeturd and no one else is coming to my aide. The cops run my license, check out the back of the van, and let me on my way about 7 minutes later. I asked the cop that took my license if I could just leave my van parked where it was, which was no where near an actual spot. The officer's exact words were,"it's a private parking lot, I don't give a shit." So I go back into the bar and fill in everyone on what just happened. We left and PJ drove back to Cave Creek where we were staying. 6.something.05 We have been in Arizona the passed three days in a town called Cave Creek which is about 30 minutes outside of Phoenix. Let me tell you something, Phoenix is Hell. In fact, it is worse than any imagined Hell I have ever come up with. I cannot believe people live here. Screw this place. Anyway, since the 15th here is what has gone down: 1. Went to the Mexican bar again. Had a taco eating contest. Eddie won with 14 tacos eaten and I came in a close second with 13.5 tacos. I thought I was going to puke after each of the last 2.5 tacos. All for the price of a fountain drink. 2. We played at The Cricket on the Hill with two really weird bands. One was five middle-aged folks who sounded like a cross between The Talking Heads and a lot of drug use. The other was a grrrl band called Spatula. In their first song, one of their singers gave birth to a Spatula. PJ liked them, but I sought refuge in the van. 3. Saw a lot of weird-ass people in uptown Denver. 4. Drove for 14 hours straight from Denver to Phoenix. At about 5am we pulled off to the side of the road to piss and switch drivers. We were about an hour outside of Santa Fe at this point. New Mexico is like a different planet at 5am. 5. Got to Phoenix and hated my life since. We leave tomorrow though, thank God. Honestly, this place is Hell. 6.15.05 It's 12:23 am and we just got back from hanging out at this Mexican bar. We are in Denver and have been since about 7 tonight. Eddie lives out here with his girlfriend and goes to the Colorado School of Mines. We played some dodgeball, walked around, ate, and drank. It was a good time. This area is quite possibly the most beautiful place I have ever been to. I think the shear awesomeness of it might even beat out Hawaii. Tour has been going pretty well so far. Nothing has fallen short of expectations, but nothing amazing has really happened either. We're only just beginning though. Eliott, PJ, Mike, and I have been having a great time. I figured by now there might be some turmoil between some of us being that we have been in such close quarters. To the contrary, we are having a hell of a time. We cry from laughing probably three times a day. Jackets. Anyway, we have tomorrow off as well and then a solid run of shows for the next eight days or something. We've met some truly wonderful people along the way and I think the best part of all of this has been the opportunity to meet people, see the country, and do it all with the best friends I have. The floor calls. Goodnight all and take care. 6.9.05 We leave in 14 hours. I have been going totally apeturd these passed few days. I have moved out of my apartment, rebuilt the van loft, cleaned my van, programmed ten songs, and painted my old bedroom. A lot of the holes that we had have been filled and dates for July have started coming in pretty solidly. I cannot believe this is actually going down. Today I was stressed out about my money situation. I wanted to have about 4 or 5000 dollars by the time we left. As of today, my bank account rests at about 1200. So I was a little worried. Then, while cleaning out my van, I found a paycheck from the end of April. I have been so freaking busy for the last six months that I did not even notice a paycheck missing from my account. So am I relieved? yes. Am I also paranoid I have done this before and not found the missing check? yes. I do not think I have, but it sure would be nice to find another one tomorrow. 6.4.05 To anyone who cares or takes interest this will be the site for the internet documentation of my hair and beard growth, my exploration into extreme poverty, and my regression to infantile personal hygene habits also known as my 2005-2006 TOUR DIARY. I will do my best to post a little blurb every day or so and post pictures whenever possible. Keep checking back, but for now go here. The Moment Pure Volume My Space Guestbook |