datang di IRDX Indonesia
dan terima kasih atas waktu anda dengan
mengunjungi website ini, silahkan isi buku
tamu sehingga kami tahu siapa anda.
to IRDX Indonesia and thanks for your time to visit this web site,
then after look around please feel free to fill in the
book so we know who you are.
Group a short story,
The International
Radio DX Group was founded by 43IR001 Tommy in Sydney, Australia. At the
end of 1997 the IR-DX Group headquarter moved to New York, USA, then too
Miami, Florida USA.
The group
President was called Max 2IR123. Max and his team had to stop leadership
of the IR-DX group and requested Jan 19IR01 to take over as President
11 metres.
This happened
at May 5th 1998 personally in Miami - Florida, USA, when Jan got most of
the administration.
To have more
information please visit our IRDX
Group Home Website