"Television; chewing gum for the eyes"

-some dude.

Welcome to the anus of the world. I can't believe this shit is still here. Goddamn geocities is gay. If any geocities people are bothering to read this, fuck you. Fuck you and your shitty services, no I don't want Geocities Pro, and yes I hope you still send your fucken spam/newsletter bullshit to my old ISP.

I am a 17 year old Australian who likes RATM, Pre_Shrunk, TOOL, RHCP's older albums, Faith No More, Resin Dogs, Cypress Hill, Snoop Dogg, Xzibit, Beck, and my trusty old PlayStation ;-)

***Last Updated:11/05/2002

spamuel.org - dead.
xlr8yourmac.com - The best site on upgrading Macs, has heeeeeeaps of shit.
3dfxgamers.com - dead.
PlayStation 2 on IGN - killer playstation 2 site, although recently asking people to pay for the premium shiznit.

Digital blasphemy has wicked 3d desktop backgrounds.

CDNOW: gayness for the masses.

Hanging shit on Windoze

Sable pics :)

[anus page--sable-windoze-emailme]