The HSHS Disclaimer
Hi, My name is Lipsticc
Welcome to The House of Spandex and Hairspray!
You want 80's glam?
You GOT it!!!
{Sign The NEW HairSpray Book}
{Veiw the NEW HairSpray Book}
{*A Little Note*
Holy Crap! I haven't updated since Feb!
To tell the truth, I've been to Busy....
But the site is still kicking ass!
Peace Love,and Jell-O,

"The House of Spandex and HairSpray" and "Lipsticc" are copywrited by Katie Hoag
Also all pictures,unless otherwise stated,and HTML is copywrited by Katie Hoag.
DO NOT steal anything off of this site unsless you have asked.
The views on this site are those of the WebMistress.

See,even Mr.Keifer Likes to rock here!
This is Reni (left) and Rebel(right)
HTML and graphics copyrighted by Katie Hoag1998-2002
This is a non-profit site,and all abnd pic are
copyrighted by someone somewhere.