Welcome to the Magical Land of *NSYNC

Merry Christmas...Merry Christmas...Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays...

Well, here goes nothing...I know I haven't updated this website in QUITE a while...and I'm terribly sorry about that but I've been awful busy with school and life and all that...here's my Christmas page...and I'm gonna work on getting all my new pictures and stories from all the concerts I attended over the past 2 summers and all that good stuff...so please bear with me and I apologize again for not keeping up with this lately...um...thats it...Sarah;)...

I got invited to do this thing called *NSYNC World Wide which is to promote *NSYNC world wide...hmmm...imagine that...*L* I'd like you all to go visit this website. Just click on the link I've provided.

Well...I like to check out my horoscope ever so often so I thought I'd share the fun...*L* Check out your horoscope...
Daily Horoscope
What's your sign?

Live Chat
This is the most happenin' place to be. We're open 24 hours a day.

New Stuff
'Bout time, huh?

The Magical Land of *NSYNC Official Club
Click here to find out more about this club.

News & Stuff
Any news about tour information or charity events or anything else that is important that needs to be spread around will be posted here...insignificant things will also be posted here...

*NSYNC Pictures
Here's some *NSYNC Pictures...nuh-uh, right? *L* Not all of em are up...but here's what I got...

Here you can find the lyrics to both the European album and the U.S. album...

The Picture of the Week!!!
I think this is self-explanatory...I like a picture and stick it in here for a week...but if you want to have a say so, or would like to see your favorite picture posted then e-mail me...that link is at the bottom of the page...

Ever wanna know where "your" boys are the moment they are there? Ever wanna know right when they're gonna be on T.V. so you can set your VCR? Ever wanna know when they're chatting so you don't miss it? Ever wanna know what magazines they'll appear in so you can make sure to grab a copy? Well, then click here and you'll know all of those things...

The World of Justin Timberlake
This is where all of your dreams will come true...

The Magical Land of JC
This is the magical land where JC lives...if that gives you any idea about what it might be like...

Lance's Magical Fairy World
This is the place where all of Jiggy's dreams come true...

Joey's Pit Stop
Here is where all of your food dreams can come true...

Chris's Beauty Salon
Here are where all of your hair nightmares come true...and all of Jen's sick little water buggy dreams come true...

Sign Guestbook View Guestbook
Now, not only can you e-mail me but you can leave me nice little messages in my guest book...*L*

Contact Me
Click here to contact me...pretty self explanatory...

You are teeny bopper #. You should be so proud...

Hey you!  Wanna visit the RingMaster's site, 'Ndecent Exposure?  Yeah... you know you want to. This'N Sync's Got It site is owned by

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