Welcome to the only MP3 site known to the underground. If you've come here expecting to find the latest in throw-away pop and major label by-products then you can save your ears from the horror of real music and go to one of the myriad sites on the web that house watered-down bands more to your liking. This site was started on the 2nd day of the 1st month in the 1999th year of our lord.
Updated 8/20/00 3:30pm central standard time
Well, it's been several months since I abandoned this site... I think it's time to get it up and running again. For those of you who have e-mailed me, I apologize for not responding. Life has been... well, weird, lately. There will no longer be direct downloads here, as I have been unable to find a webspace provider that allows MP3s. So, I'll be posting everything onto Driveway accounts. This means you'll have to e-mail me in order to gain access to the files on each account. I'll split the accounts up, accordingly, below. If you want me to grant you access to all accounts, you need to let me know this so I can automatically e-mail you any time a new account is set-up. Anyone who I previously had e-mail info on will have to contact me again. Sorry...
By the off chance that any of you reading this might live in Houston, TX, the band that I'm in is desperately searching for a 4th member. We're mainly looking for a drummer but we'll settle for a guitarist (our current guitarist can play drums.) If you're into the same type of music as I've listed on this page then we're at least on common ground, musically. Our main influences are Joy Division, Comsat Angels, Mission of Burma, and Slowdive. We consist of a keyboardist, guitarist/drummer, and bassist/vocalist (me.) You probably know by now how pathetic the Houston music scene is, so contact me if you're interested.
Account 1:
The Abecedarians - Press Escape 
Agent Orange - Fire in the Rain 
Andalusia - Saltwater 
Angelfish - You Can Love Her 
The Apples In Stereo - Glowworm 
The Apples In Stereo - Rocket Pad 
Blake Babies - Out There 
Blitz - Second Empire Justice, Telecommunication 
Billy Bragg - The Boy Done Good 
Brotherhood of Pagans - Resurrection 
The Buzzcocks - Ever Fallen In Love 
The Buzzcocks - Sixteen Again 
Dead Can Dance - Don't Fade Away (live)
Thanks to Cyn Surreal
Lisa Gerrard - Tempest 
Brendan Perry - The Captive Heart 
Brendan Perry - Happy Time 
Account 2:
Catherine Wheel - 30 Century Man 
Catherine Wheel - Come Back Again 
Catherine Wheel - Crawling Over Me 
Catherine Wheel - Dead Girlfriend 
Catherine Wheel - Don't Want To Know If You Are Lonely 
Catherine Wheel - Intravenous 
Catherine Wheel - Let Me Down Again 
Catherine Wheel - Lucifer 
Catherine Wheel - Our Friend Joey 
Catherine Wheel - Painful Thing 
Catherine Wheel - Smother 
Catherine Wheel - Spin 
Catherine Wheel - Upside Down 
Catherine Wheel - Wish
If you're new to the world of MP3s, here are three links you might want to check out:
GetRight - an excellent resume program if your connection is broken during download (ouch!) perhaps as a result of an ISP who convinced you this sort of thing doesn't happen on their servers.
Uncook95 - a good thing to have if you're downloading from a site that scrambles their files... you won't need this here.
Winamp 2.60 - one of the best MP3 players available on the net.
obligitory rant starts... here: The vast majority of MP3 sites on the web consist of pirated, unoriginally ripped MP3s. In other words, the origin of the MP3s on these sites is not that of the site, itself. These sites are useless drivel and are the products of unimaginative minds, as are the overwhelming multitude of artists represented there, who are, in themselves, the musical equivalent of fecal matter. If you should find one of the MP3s listed above on another site, it has, more than likely, been stolen from us. You won't find thousands of MP3s here. You won't find MP3s that are known by us to exist elsewhere, unless they're a really good indie band who has a cool song buried on MP3.com or Riffage. You will, however, find MP3s of bands that will stand the test of time. Keep in mind, the masses are nothing more than brainwashed automatons who wouldn't know a decent band if one came up and defecated down their throats... end of rant - ahhhhh...

And if I Wake from Dreams
Shall I Fall in Pastures
Will I Wake the Darkness
Shall we Torch the Earth?
-Death in June-
since 1/17/99 9:35pm central standard time
© 1999 CloneWar
Sorry about this. It would seem I'm a bit of a hit-junky.
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bren m .
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