Groovman's Place...
If Desktop Themes, Screensavers, Winamp / ICQ Skins, and more
strange bits & pieces are what you are looking for, then
you've come to the right place! Most of the material
is based around images of women (some famous, some infamous) but
I have not limited myself to that subject matter. Basically
anything I find interesting, attractive or amusing could end
up here somewhere... |


All Themes include
custom-made icons, a full range of pointers,
and sounds for all major functions. Wallpaper
images are at least 16 bit color, 800x600dpi and feature a good mix of
More Screensavers are on the way!
The new ones will be customizable and
comprise a minimum of 5 images
that are easily converted to wallpaper with the
click of a button.
Other creations include Winamp and ICQ Skins... Winamp,
ICQ, and ICQPlus are all freely downloadable from their
respective home pages.
The aim is to provide you with the ability to give your
Desktop a total makeover!

So, do you want to see more?