Hiyee people... I know I haven't been online for ages!!*smirk smirk*..but how are u all??...by the way, some of u said i did not have a FORMAL introduction of myself?..well, here's it!
Name: Yiting , Melissa a.k.a. Josheanne,stefani,xyvene
Schools history: CHIJ Katong Primary School/ Tanjong Katong Girls' School
Birthday: Somewhere in July....=)
Family: Parents and a lil' sister.
ECA: hmm.....NPCC....TKNP Jenecades rulez!!
Oie by the way...Our unit came in with a Gold for
the Sec 4s[Jenecades],that's us, and a Silver for the Sec
3s for the National Courtesy Cheerleading Competition 1999.
People, way to go!!!!
Well, I like the IRC and the ICQ, and I go for music I like.....like what ar....hmm...I dunno also...I would say I like music with beat and rhythm...and by the way,I do not listen to a particular radio station. Yap!
Oh yes!Any suggestions about what I can introduce myself as, pls give comments in my guestbook hor....!!hehe..because I can't find anything to intro about myself now.....
My Last word to U guys and gals out there is...
Take care and best wishes for the future!!