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Welcome to my page, I'm Alejandro and I love Heavy and Thrash Metal. Especially Metallica and Megadeth.

Here You will found the biggest collection of midis and Mods both for Metallica and Megadeth Collected from the web.

MOD files are like MIDI but with better sound. Files are bigger (from 200k to 500k).

MOD SECTION WON'T BE UPDATED ANYMORE: now that I have entered to the Amazing world of Software Synthesizers I will leave MODS to die (Although I will leave them for download).

If you have any doubt, problem, question, suggestion, critic (even if it's bad), a question about metallica or megadeth, anything even if it's not related with midis E-mail ME

Please sign my guestbook it's the only thing I ask you, Have Fun!

Try any Software Synthesizer: it will improve your MIDI sound quality a lot.

If you need a Midi or Mod program go to Downloads

If you are looking for a program to help you play Metallica or Megadeth songs on yur guitar go to Guitar Pro.

Well click on something what the hell are you waiting for ??



Guitar Pro

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Software Synthesizers


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This Riff'Em All Metal Ring Site owned by Alejandro Carrasco.

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