Go Here to check out some local press that has been generated over the years.
While you're at it check out these links that go to existing pages.
Twin Tone Records Mpls' first punk lable
The Inferno is where to look for current Twin Cities Punk Rock
Also check out TCHC for the latest on the Twin Cities Hardcore Scene
Minnesota Punk Page is another source for info on Minnesota Punk.
Red Room Pictures produced the Twin Cities Punk Documentary "When We Play For Real"
Image Dump has some photos from the Longhorn Bar, a true Midwest legend.
Garage Productions put on DIY shows in the mid 80's. Here's their story from one of Garage's founders.
If you have any information, updates, corrections, or submissions please feel free to e-mail them to the curators of this punk rock museum;
Bradley Beving and Ollie Stench
There are at least fans of "Half Life" out there.
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