…through the power of positive educational entertainment.

Our line of multicultural books and music for children:

Peace In Our Land
Children Celebrating Diversity
Original music, story and a creative activity book celebrates the beauty of our differences and the wonder of all we share.

  • 2002 Parenting Publications Honors Award Winner Awarded by Industry Experts. A U.S. Corporation.
  • Dr. Toy Winner - Best Vacation Toy
    Parents Guide To children's Media Award

Alphabet Affirmations
Positive Affirmations For Children
A coloring and activity book with original music and story. Features some very special guests.

  • Recommended by the School Library Journal

Happy Happy Kwanzaa
Celebrate Kwanzaa's seven principles with the simplicity and insight that honors Kwanzaa's Universal value.

  • National Parenting Publications Award, Gold Award Winner
"More important than teaching a child what to think is teaching them how to think..."

Creative World
Open a child to their creative power and introduce them to ideas which promote a positive outlook on life.

  • One of our Best Sellers!

A Child's Spirit
A collection of fun and inspiring original songs that touch the very soul of every child.

  • National Parenting Publications Award Winner

Our Signature Package:

A magical adventure in self-discovery which uses original songs, stories, and fun to convey the importance of having dreams, and the creative process involved in achieving them.

  • Parents' Choice
  • Silver Honors Award Winner 2004
  • Children's Music Web Winner 2004

  View the QuickTime Movie:
"Where Do Dreams Come From"

  Visit the "Dream A World" Classroom Exchange at ePals.com!

Visit ePALS for teacher-designed interactive projects, discussion boards, e-cards and more. You'll love the world that its global community opens up to you. It's safe. It's easy. It's educational. And it's fun!

Shop now at our Online Store,

or use our handy Mail Order Form,

or purchase our products from
Amazon.com or Cdbaby.com

Just One Person Can Make A Difference!
Dream A World's Charity of Choice for 2005:

Send donations by mail to "Oprah's Angel Network," P.O. Box 96600, Chicago, IL 60693

© Dream A World, A BrassHeart Music Company. All Rights Reserved. Webmaster
