Oh My God They're Back Again

are you ready???

Backstreet Boys

Blah Blah Blah this page is boaring me, thanx for comming, but I'm sick of Backstreet City, so if you want some BSB come on over to my new page


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Break the World Record!!

Hi! What's up? We are a portuguese non official fan club of BSB and we come up with a crazy ideia. We want to break the guiness record for BSB. Peace of cake don't you think!!!! But for that we need all the help of the portugueses fans and all the BSB fans spread across the world. We want to make the biggest flag in the world where is written all our love for the Backstreet Boys.

What we want to ask you is to:

· in a piece of cloth (sheet.....etc)
· with the size of 1,5m * 1,5m (it doesn't need to have a specific colour),/center>
· write what you feel for BSB. Everything goes. The limit is you imagination.

You can write poems, draws, paintings ...etc.... Everything you want. Be original!!!!

The dead line is the 1st of April because we hope that BSB come to Portugal for a concert and that way, they can see the hopefully biggest flag in the world that has write on it all the love that their fans have for them. That way they will see that all their fan can do anything for them and are their to help them and support them whenever they need.

But not everyhting is as simples as it looks. We wanted to ask you to send, along with the cloth, 4 US dollars or 500 escudos if you have access to portuguese money because we liked to send a thank you letter to everyone that helped us and also because we need to buy the needles and the line for sewing all the pieces of cloth so we can have the biggest flag in the world. This money isn't much for you but for us is an essential help becausae we don't have any sponsers yet. The biggest flag at the moment has 3750 m2 (125 m * 30m) but we can beat this don't you think!!!!

Please send us your contribution for this giant flag and spread the word to your friends and in your country. It will be fantastic if we had a cloth from every coner in the world.

Send the cloth to
Soraia Ferreira (Clube BSB de fans Português)
Apartado 52120
4200 Porto
Thank you so very much for all your help. We hope to hear from you soon. Keep The Backstreet Pride Alive The president of the club Soraia Ferreira

"We love all our loyal fans exactly the same, wherever they are from. We want you to know we always appreciate your love and support and we take you with us in our hearts wherever we go." Backstreet Boys

Ps.- To all the owners of BSB websites please add to your websites this little picture so every fan of BSB can know about this iniciative and please link it to the email of the clube clubebsb@yahoo.com because the website isn't ready yet. (http://www.xoom.members.com/clubebsb). Thank you so very much for all your help.