Since Geocities kinda blows and has only gotten worse since the merging with Yahoo!.......

...Click here for my updated (and relocated) home page and help fight the fascist regime!

However, if you're all for the fascist regime you can still view my old site below. Enjoy, but don't say I didn't provide fair warning!

Welcome to Omar's Asylum

So how's it feel to be committed?

    'Ello there.  I'm Omar and welcome to my little piece of heaven...or hell.  I actually haven't decided yet.  Perhaps this is my little piece of limbo.  Yeah, that sounds good.  All I know is this site is chock full o' mediocrity so don't say I didn't warn ya.  Well anyway, make yourself at home and have a look around at what little there is to see here.  Stay as long as you'd like (or can stand) and when you leave, don't let the door hit ya where mother nature split ya.  Check back every now and again to see just how much it still sucks.  How low can you go?  Uh-Huh.  How low can you go?..........

From the "Don't ask, don't tell" department.

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Last Updated -- Wednesday, August 26 1998