HEY GUYS!!!!!!!!! WWOOOOOOOOOOOoooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhOOOOOOO I'm back to my site... for how long I donno... just wanted to update things a lil bit.. thanks for workin on the ring banner Remus ;O) You know I love all you goofy people!
STILL no pics.. get over it.. just picture me having just swallowed a basketball.. nooooooo I dont need to have a heart to heart with Jenny Craig.. I DO however need to get the new baby's stuff all sorted out She (yes, yet another female coming into the world) will be forever known as Kira Renee Taylor, unless her dad manages to get hold of her birth certifiacate and call her Junior
Kira is scheduled to make her first grand appearence on May 28th (time to be anounced) at the Methodist hospital in Jackson, Mississippi.
Soon after that (about six weeks I believe) Ldyworeblk and CrpnDeth are expecting their little BOY to also make a grand appearence (In AZ though) WOOOHOOO for them!!!
Hmm... I guess I could tell ya a little bout me.. that wouldn't be to hard.. except there isn't much to tell! I gots two little youngins...and a man... a little bitty little place to call home.... and I'm gettin my edukatshon at Mississippi College (they'd kill me if they saw this site =P) I drive a piece a junk for a car but I love it (I'm keeping my car, but I'm getting a minivan..yeah laff now.. wait till I get one of those soccer mom stickers... Then I'll run yer ass over!) even though it stays in the driveway most of the time.. but HEY! It's got my cd player in there and I aint goin anywhere without my music! Hmph... with my car.. I'm not goin anywhere anyhow... unless I wanna push it down the driveway and parallel park for a different view. I'm kidding.. it runs..... well... sorta hobbles... but mommy, daddy and school are right down the road so thats not such a bad thing now is it?
My Interests
Oh now this is funny.. I dont have any *intrest*... Life in general I spose? I know you want hobbies and all that good stuff... yeah yeah yeah... Ok.. I do the rock n roll thing.. Ozzy Ozborne rulz.... there like every other rockgoof.. I said it.. Other than music.. I ummmm *trumpets please* (star wars theme here)
Bet ya didn't know that now did ya? To qoute a friend .. "YOU BET YOUR BIPPY I CAN!" hehe... he's so phunny. Hmm.. other interest... hmmm... playdoh is cool... You wouldn't believe how long it takes to clean wet playdoh out of the bathtub. Ashtyn showed me that neat trick.
Oh duh.. I guess this would be the best place to put the story of my life now wouldn't it? I'm a puterholic.. but dealing.. I'm always on the net.. well almost always.. I sleep every now and then. I have ICQ and AIM.. stay on both most of the time.
So enough about me.. who are you? hehe.. wait this is my site aint it? so I dont have to ask! I love it!! muhahahahahahahaha!
(to quote another homo I know)
Okey... heres some more junk to keep you busy for a while.. enjoy....
most of it is underconstruction for now though =P
Life Goes On...
Answer to one of the biggest questions in the world
Ashtyn's big mouth
My small list of jokes
links that I dont have
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