Hey you!This page is going to be dedicated to Matthew Good Band which is a great canadian band that I like a lot.Thanks for coming!Also,this site is best viewed with Netscape Communicator,or something to it's equivilant.
Please, I'd appreciate it if you did not send me anymore emails or post anymore messages about me not having enough information on the guys, I'm not a stalker, this page is to simply expose the wonderful talent known as MGB, I'm not doing this to feed anyone's weird obssessions. Also, don't tell me to write manifestos, I'm not Matt, that's his territory, ok.
Thank you
(sorry to all the true fans who are considerate people, I don't mind criticism, but that was just getting to be a problem.)
Get MGB guitar tabs here...thanx to Julian for permission to use them.
<"STRANGE DAYS" is doing great on the MUCH MUSIC countdown.>
I finally saw MGB on october 21st! (but I was only permitted to watch the sound check, I wasn't aloud to stay for the concert because I'm not yet 19)***That's old news, but I'm still going to leave it here cause I'm still really pleased that I met them.
and remember,if you don't like something...complain!!!
(but complain to the right person,k?)
This page is always going through changes...so book mark it and keep checking in.Thanks!And remember to sign my guestbook!!!
...people since September 7th,1998
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