I am looking for a kind soul to host CNote Crazed, these pop-up ads from Geocities not only annoy me, but all the others that visit my page. I've looked for other free servers, but their advertisments are just as bad. Please E-Mail Me with all your requirments and space avaliable. I will upload pictures and wavs and such on geocities if you could just host my individual pages themselves. THANKS IN ADVANCE!!

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Hey, Does anyone out their enjoy a vigirous work-out?? What if C Note hosted it?!?! Well guess what, get your bums off the couch and prepare to 'Tai Funk' your little butt off!!! That right the guys are hosting a "The Grind Workout" it's on sale at your local stores, mine was $9.99 buy it and CRANK UP THE VOLUME. Join recording artists C Note, renowned aerobics trainer, Heidi Van Amburgh and Martial Artist and musician, Dimitri Ehrlich for this innovative total body workout! This latest installment of the Grind Workout series combines this hottest dance aerobics with the punch and power of Martial Arts. Let Brody lead you in low impact moves and the rest of the crew on high paced movements! Groove to a hot soundtrack with a LIVE PERFORMANCE from C Note. The guys will be performing their single "Spanish Fly"!!!! What are you waiting for?? Get in shape!!! ~Kristie

Created by Kristie-