Chris's Home Page
Welcome to my page. My name is Chris. Come on in and look around. I have several pages for all you guys & girls. Every day I am learning something new and whenever I learn something I add it to here. I have a survey for a dog, check that out. There is a Best Friends page up , go e-mail your buddys that one. If you want to bookmark this page all you have to do is hit Ctrl + D. Well, let me hear from you and enjoy the rest of my page.
Links Section
These are some other pages that I have created. My Joke Page has several jokes. My Links Page has some sites that anyone can use. Take a look at the dog, and enter your vote for the survey. I also have a movie that I made. It is pretty good. Go check it out.
Joke Pages

Page Three

Helpful and Fun Links

Dog Survey

My Movie

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Best Friends Page

MIB Recruiting Page

Best Pics Online
Poem for Girls
Some Music
James Dean
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