Moreton Bay Islands Action Group NSW is currently being set-up. It was decided at the end of July, 2001 that there needed to be a counterpart to the original Action Group founded by Brian Fuller in Queensland. There is also another Action Group in Victoria. To find out more about the cause and aims of these groups, please click on 'INFORMATION'.

The plan is to create as much 'people power' as possible so that we can prompt an independant judicial inquiry into the affairs on the Moreton Bay Islands and the work done by Redland Shire Council. Anyone living in NSW is encouraged to join, membership numbers help our cause and donations of money, time and skills are greatly needed. I would especially love it if someone could knock us up a decent webpage! 

Until this page has undergone consruction, please visit the link on the right to The Moreton Bay Islands Action Group Inc, or read their newletter.

If you have any enquiries, please feel free to email me.

View Our Guestbook
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Moreton Bay Islands Action Group Inc
MBIAG INC Newsletter
General Information
What Can I do to Help?
MBIAG NSW Secretary;
A view of one of the islands
Name: Candice Silver
Email: candicealias@hotmail.com