September 7, 2001 I received an e-mail from Geocities, which in part stated:
Dear GeoCities Member:
Congratulations, is very popular and has been receiving a large amount of traffic. Your site has become so popular, in fact, that our records indicate that you're using more than the allotted amount of data transfer we provide for a free web site, which is 3GB/month (measured on an hourly basis).
In the past we have not enforced that limit, so your site has been uneffected thus far. However, shortly, all free member sites transferring more than the allowable data limit will be disabled for portions of the day until usage falls to within the prescribed limits.
Since I am already paying for I would appreciate it if you would visit the site instead of the Geocities site.
Also, if you are linking to the Geocities site, could you please link to instead? Because this is a mirror site, there is no change of the HTML names, and it is only the base URL that needs to be changed.
for example:
changes to
Once traffic to the Geocites site drops to a level that is acceptable for Geocities, I will again post the full mirror content here.
If your browser doesn't automatically redirect you to the web site in 30 seconds, then please click on this link to take you to the appropriate page on