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Welcome to the Sid Died For Squid homepage. Sid Died For Squid is a pop-punk band from Kitimat, British Columbia, Canada. If you want to know where that is, look in an atlas. The band has been around since 1994. Over the years we've gone through many line-up changes, played at various Northwest B.C. venues, recorded and independently released a CD, and suffered numerous setbacks. SDFS has been on hiatus since late 1998. I hope you enjoy this site and check out the various pages that are here. Just click on the link to the page that you want.
Have fun...if that is your desire....
OK, it has been years since the last update at this site. Quite frankly, for years there has been nothing to update. That has finally changed. This past Friday Sid Died For Squid was finally reformed. You can read about it at the MySpace blog (see http://www.myspace.com/siddiedforsquid). It is good to be back.
It has been a long time since an update, and I admit that I am posting this update only so that geocities doesn't shut this site down. Having said that, I hope for some kind of real update soon. That's all for now.
Hey there. It sure has been a very long time since I updated the site. Sid Died For Squid is still non-existant as a performing entity, so there is nothing new in terms of gigs and releases to talk about. The classic 'Anatomically Incorrect' track POP A WHEELIE was recently played on CBC Radio 2 across Canada on the program New Music Canada. Though that album is not exactly new, much of it is new to anyone not from Northern BC. Other than that, the CD is still available at Interpunk. Pick one up if you don't have one. You can listen to a couple of our songs at New Music Canada. Feel free to download any mp3's you can find with the various file sharing programs available. Some of the programs I use when online are WinMX, KaZaA, Bearshare, and if it is ever up and running again, Napster. Until next time.
June 8, 2008
February 3, 2004
If you have been looking for MP3 files, there are some now available at mp3.com. Check them out. Our CD is also available for sale there.
March 11, 2002
September 1, 2001
Hey there. Just thought I'd add this. Here is the complete set list of bands that were played on New Music Canada on August 18, 2001:
Just a note for all you Kitimat Punks... If you don't have a copy of our CD, why don't you go down to Sight & Sound and pick one up. They do have them there. If you can't find the disk, ask someone and they'll help you. If they're out, get them to put one aside for you, as I do go in there regularly to make sure they are in stock. Support what's left of our local scene by buying music of local bands.
Enter the site. Browse around to read lyrics, bio's, and information about the "Anatomically Incorrect" CD.
Here is the place to go to read about the Kitimat music scene. Bands, gigs, reviews.
This page has links to other internet sites that I like to visit regularly. I hope that you enjoy visiting some of them too.
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