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Wharf Rat's

Musical Mystery Page

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Welcome to my web page! Thanks for stopping in! That's me in Florence, Italy, in October 2001, in the picture. My name is Bob. Hope you enjoy my page!



My house in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida

Check out my picks for the best music for the mind!
These bands are usually best when seen live! I have been lucky enough to have seen the Dead 42 times, Phish 48 times, and all the other bands several times in my life. Nothing like great vibes, great shows, and great times! These bands are always great to see live. Sadly, the Grateful Dead are no longer together, but their tapes live on forever. But the other bands live on! If you're interested in doing some tape trading, e-mail me and we can set something up. I have about 600 plus tapes and 2500 CDs to trade! I have some really great stuff in my collection!! Below are some cool links to these great bands. Go ahead...start clicking! Make your day.....

Below are some excellent musical homepage links to check out!

Jam Bands On-line Music Magazine

Click on the above link to get the the Jambands.com website. They are THE website to go to to find out any and all information on the jam bands and their tour dates

Grateful Dead Home Page

What else can I say about this band, except that I love them and they are my favorite musical entity! They are a huge part of my life and I listen to their music every day. Most of my music, art, cool stuff, etc. relates to the Grateful Dead somehow. I even named my boat "Deadication." The Dead, in my opinion, are simply and creatively, the best band on the planet and always will be! I am a true Deadhead and am proud of it! Although I am saddened by Jerry's death and the bands demise, I will continue listening to the tapes I have forever. Finally, "The Other Ones" are touring again as the remaining members of the Grateful Dead!

Phil Lesh & Friends Home Page

Phil Lesh and Friends have been ripping it up on tour occasionally! Phil is touring with Various artists, most recently with Chris Robinson from the Black Crowes and Brian Adams. I have seen these guys 10 times now and they just keep getting better and better each time. Do yourself a big favor and check this band out when they are in town...it is just like a Dead show! You won't be disappointed!

Crazy Fingers Home Page

In Palm Beach County, Florida, where I live, there is an excellent Dead cover band that I have followed for 15 years now. They are called "Crazy Fingers" and play about 5 to 6 days a week all over Florida. If you have never seen this band, do yourself a favor and check them out if you ever hear of them playing in your neighborhood. They do the Dead much justice in playing live music. They also have a few dozen of their own original tunes, and plan to release their second CD very soon. They also have a bluegrass band that plays Grateful Dead bluegrass style, called "Grass is Dead." Very very talented musicians they are! You can check out their web page at the above link. They have a newsletter and a monthly event calender on-line.

Below are three links to two great Phish sites! The first is the official Phish Web Page. The second is a link to a Phish page set up by Phish Phans for Phish Phans and is very good for getting setlists for your tapes, viewing, etc! The third is Live Phish, where you can buy the show directly from the band and then download them to your computer to burn CD's. It is a great service and I thank Phish very much for setting this up for all us Phish Phans! They just announced that they will be donating ALL proceeds from these Live Phish sales to the Mockingbird Foundation! That is great news! The shows are soundboard too! Check them all out and start downloading Phish shows today!

Phish Home Page

Phish Phans Home Page

Live Phish Music Download Page

I have seen Phish 48 times now. They have become the new Grateful Dead in their own way. Sadly, Phish broke up and played their last show on August 15th, 2004 at Coventry Vermont. I truly miss them and and severely bummed that they decided to call it quits. It was mostly Trey's decision to do so. I have seen a few 70-Volt Parade shows since then (Trey's new band) and they are really great, but certainly lack the energy any Phish show had. I have to wonder if Phish is done forever or if they will ever get back together again? I hope for the latter.

String Cheese Incident Homepage

Sci Fi Radio

(You must have real player for String Cheese Radio to play)

The String Cheese Incident originally formed in 1993 in the small ski town of Crested Butte, Colorado. Soon after the band’s start, the members moved to Boulder and began to seriously pursue music as a career. The String Cheese Incident quickly became Colorado’s favorite band.I have seen SCI about 6 times now and plan on seeing them many many more times. Since Phish broke up, SCI seems to be the leading jamband now in my opionion. I recently saw them at the Langerado Festival in Ft.Lauderdale Florida for two shows. They played wonderfully!

Widespread Panic Home Page

Panic Web - For Setlist Info

The Sandbox - For WSP Tape Trading

Widespread Panic is another great up and coming band. I have seen them 11 times now in concert. The last time I saw them was at the Sunrise Music Theatre in Late October of 2000. I had a blast. Sadly, Michael Houser, the lead guitarist for WP, passed away due to Pancreatic Cancer. They have a new guitarist now touring with them, George, who is very very good. They have their own style of blues/rock type music that really hits home in concert and on CD. The band recently took a hiatus and then started touring again. I plan on seeing them in Boca Raton, Florida and Tampa Florida in October, 2005.

Leftover Salmon Homepage

Leftover Salmon is a fantastic Polyethnic Cajun Slamgrass band that plays a mixture of Bluegrass that is unlike any other. They are a great band to see live and they can still play small venues, as they are not a huge act yet. But, believe me, they will be soon!

Check out this band!! I see them at Spring Fest & Magnolia Fest in Live Oak Florida each year.(see links below for festival information.) I really love this band! What a great wholesome sound Donna the Buffalo has!! You can even play their live shows right from their website! You will not be disappointed! Click on the link below to get there from here.

Donna The Buffalo Homepage

Like Bluegrass Festivals? There are two great ones in North Florida each year called Springfest and Magnolia Fest. Spring Fest is in March and Magnolia Fest is in October. You can get all the info you need at the following links:

Spring Fest Information

Magnolia Fest Information

Tony Rice, Vassar Clements, and Peter Rowan usually show up and play together at these festivals, which is a real treat!

Click on the link below to get to my other page of great links! Some are related to music...some are not. Go ahead....try it out!

Wharf Rat's Other Page of Mystery!


Want to search the web for something in specific? Try Google out!A great search engine to use for the internet. Go ahead...try it!! Enter your search word in the box above.

House of Blues Concert Cybercast Homepage

Hear live video webcasts and archived webcasts of lots of great bands right over the internet at the House of Blues Internet site! Click on the link above!

Enjoy your stay at my musical page of great bands. PLEASE SIGN MY ADDRESS BOOK with the link at the top of the page! Thanks....and party on! Come on back and visit soon!

Now go have fun.......!

Please send me an E-mail if you desire by clicking on the link below! Would love to hear from you!

© 1997 phishhead@bellsouth.net


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