SITE CURRENTLY UNDER -=ReCoNsTrUcTiOn=- ~ (c) James Early 2008 ~

Home Page
G7 is the 2007 version of my website and contains more up-to-date information. In the past few years there have been many changes to my life, and I felt it was time to update my website to reflect these changes. Here you will find the things that I am interested in and how I like to spend my time. If you have anything you would like to discuss with me, please feel free to email me by clicking the link found on the footer of each page.


Whats On G7?
Cycling ~ this is my main interest in life and recently it has virtually taken over my life. I would now much rather be in the saddle than in a pub or a club. In the past few months I have cycled around Suffolk, across the North Yorkshire Moors, through the New Forest, and even down through some of Kent.

My Cycling Pages are:
Cycling ~ My main cycling page
Bikes ~ The bikes I currently use
Tech ~ Technical links to manufacturers who’s equipment I use
Food ~ Information on what to Eat, what to Drink, and general cycling Nutrition. Also includes recipes for energy bars and drinks
Links ~ Useful cycling info site links (routes, mags, campaigns, etc.)

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    Running ~ As a teenager I was a member of the Cambridge Harriers running club and held the Kent records for 10,000 mtrs, 15,000 mtrs, and the Cross Country record each for 5 years consecutively. This record was only broken after a club member fractued some of my toes with a pool cue (he said it was an accident). I am also trained in Road Running and Race Walking, and used to teach both in my spare time at club level. In recent years I haven't really been running that much (due to lazyness I guess), but I have decided to start again as it would be a great compliment to my Cycling.

    My Skating Pages are:
    Running ~ My main Running page
    Gear ~ The shoes and gear I currently use {not available yet}
    Places ~ A list of good places to run and routes {not available yet}
    Links ~ Useful Running site links {not available yet}

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    Swimming ~ or Sea-Swimming to be more exact. This differs from standard swimming as you have the added effect of waves and tides to contend with.

    My Swimming Pages are:
    Swimming ~ My main Swimming page
    Gear ~ The gear I currently use for swimming {not available yet}
    Places ~ A list of good places to swim around the UK {not available yet}
    Links ~ Useful Swimming site links {not available yet}

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    Kayaking ~ this is something I am taking up this year, so watch this space for news of my drownings...

    My Kayaking Pages are:
    Kayaking ~ My main Kayaking page{not available yet}
    Gear ~ The gear I currently use for kayaking {not available yet}
    Places ~ A list of good places to kayak around the UK {not available yet}
    Links ~ Useful Kayaking site links {not available yet}

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    Inline Skating ~ this is something I have attempted in the past and am trying to master. Still very much at the 'beginners' level in this but doing quite well as I used to ice-skate as a child, which helps. I am currently trying to find good places locally to skate as I am still not confident enough to skate on the open roads... one day though!

    My Skating Pages are:
    Skating ~ My main skating page {not available yet}
    Skates ~ The skates I currently use {not available yet}
    Places ~ A list of good places to skate {not available yet}
    Links ~ Useful skating info site links {not available yet}

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    Retro Gaming ~ When I am not out Cycling, Running. Swimming, Skating, Walking, Kayaking, or visiting interesting places of of the things I do to relax is Retro Gaming. As a hobby Retro Gaming can be both fun and cheap; who needs the latest Console anyway? Games are all about Gameplay and not Killer Graphics, so the latest high-tech console can wait until 1) the price has dropped, 2) the library of games has been built and reviewed.

    My Retro Gaming Pages are:
    Retro Gaming ~ My main Retro Gaming page
    Consoles ~ The Consoles I currently own
    Games ~ A list of all the games I have listed by console
    Quake II (pc) ~ The only Game I currently play on a PC
    Links ~ Useful Retro Gaming site links {not available yet}

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    Gagets ~ ...

    My Gagets Pages are:
    Retro Gaming ~ My main Gagets page
    Links ~ Useful Gaget site links {not available yet}

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    Computers ~ ...

    My Computers Pages are:
    Retro Gaming ~ My main Computers page
    Links ~ Useful Computer site links {not available yet}

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  • Bovine Freedom the best animation EVER!!!


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    [ Swimming | Gear | Places | Links ]
    [ Kayaking | Gear | Places | Links ]
    [ Skating | Skates | Places | Links ]
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    [ Boltblue | Nokia | BBC Online | Archers Online | Radio 4 Progs | Google Search | Geocities ]

    Hand Coded by James Early
    Generation 7
    (c) James Early 2002-2008
    k (underscore) j (underscore) early (at) yahoo (dot) co (dot) uk