Welcome to
Tangerine's Place
And now a thousand years between....
The day I met Robert Plant & Strange Sensations
June 21 & 22, 2005, at the Tower in Philly
this site is under construction, please check back soon...

....many times I've wondered how much there is to know....
Other People I Got To Meet
Hinder....4/12/06...got to hang with these guys before the show on the bus,(and on the roof top) a great bunch of guys from Oklahoma City, and man do they like to party! Thanks for being so sweet to us! You guys KICK ASS!
Jason...of Shinedown with me & Tori at The Electric Facotry during the Snowcore Tour, 2/17/06
Brad...of Shinedown, nice guys, awesome show, thanks for hanging with us!
Raymond The Amish Comic....he's awesome, this ain't no church meeting!
Mark Juretus.....funny funny guy, thanks for the laughs!
Last Exit Films.....Chris Poloni, check out The Electric Fire Hydrant
Check out this month's Rock n' Roll calendar
Check out the Age Gauge, see how young (or old) you are compared to the famous
to learn a little about me
Meet me on Myspace...I'll be your friend!
Best whishes to Sgt Rich Maryon and his boys who have been deployed to Iraq in Oct, 2006. We love, miss you, and come home soon!
DJ made it home to Hawaii safe and sound on Feb 20, 2005, after a 13 month deployment in Iraq. I look forward to seeing him & Sheila again... ASAP you guys!!
DJ's Page...pictures & updates from Iraq!

some pics
Sheila's Class of '06....celebrating finals!
Sheila's Class....harassing the Honalulu Police Officers!
Kuan Yin...a temple in Hawaii
Buddhist Temple...another temple in Hawaii
Sheila's back yard...such a pretty place
Bananas...Sheila's neighbor has banana trees, awesome!!
Sgt Marion & daughter...Rich's baby, she's a daddy's girl!
My newest nephew....Ricky, what a sweetie!
Baby Turtles...Percy, Tina,and Spike, they're so cute!
My new pets...two of the three, one is camera shy!
Merryl Creek...a beautiful place to hike
Deer.....lots of wild life at Merryl Creek
Jennifer....with her new hair color, she's beautiful!
Lauren at Christmas...she likes chocolate!
Jen & Jake...at Linkin Park show, again!
Happy Birthday...to Carole & Me! (yeah we did a few shots)
at the Foghat show....for my birthday!
Charlie's Angels?....naaah, it's just Carol, Tori & Me silly!
Bad Kitty...Jen...she's so pretty
Jen & Jake...punked for the Linkin Park Show
Jen & Bride of Chuckie doll... dangerous divas!!
WZZO's Cruise Vacation!...'ZZO rocks the boat!
Northern Bermuda?...our cruise vacation
My latest tatt...hey, what did you expect?!
Jen....my "punk rock" girl,Linkin Park show
Jenny & Jakey....sittin' in a tree...
Beautiful Hawaii....I could live here!!
my family....the latest family gathering
Sheila & DJ....such a cute couple!
my girls...where DO they get their looks? *GRIN*
Lauren....my newest niece, what a sweetie!
Super Bowl XXXVII....ummmm, go Broncos?
Mr & Mrs DJ Vogt....my daughter & new son in law!
Jailbird....me in the MDA Lockup For Good *S*
My babies.....Sheila & Jennifer
Great Adventure 2000....Medusa at Six Flags
Prom Night....the couple
Prom Night....the girls
Sharon & family.....my sister, brother inlaw and sweet nephews
Super Bowl XXXIII...we love you John!!
Jen...my twirling Darcette
Halloween...my little spooks
Sheila...senior portrait....where'd the time go?
Haines, AK... a pretty little port (note-taken 9:30pm)
Thunder Wings...Totem Bight State Historical Park, Ketchikan, AK
Dog Sledding....hehehe....
Jennifer...the little one
Sheila...my oldest
Game Day...Superbowl Sunday '98
Cross Stitch...my first major piece!
The Stout Kids....at deer camp, Delaware Water Gap
Body Art
pics of my tatts
My souvenir....we all got tattoos in Hawaii
Jen's...new punk skulls
Sheila's...new fairy
Gargoyle...my gaurdian
The 4 Symbols...speaks for itself
Triple Goddess...this one has spiritual meaning to me
Night & Day...represents my many moods!
Pegasus...my 1st tatt
Led Zeppelin

the greatest Rock n' Roll band in the world!
some music links
In sweet music is such art, killing care and grief of the heart....Shakespeare
VH1.....news and program schedules
MTV......more music news & schedules
CMT.....for you country fans
R'n'R Hall....the Hall of Fame
Ticketmaster....concerts dates & ticket info
WZZO....Z95 rocks the Valley, and now the world, tune in!
Jamboree.....this year's country jamboree in the hills
Ultimate Band List.....find your favorite band here
Lyrics server...when you gotta to know that one line!
Rolling Stone Mag
...all your music/movie news and charts
Musikfest '04....featuring George Thorogood and Steve Miller, this year!
Croc Rock...lots of good shows!
The Sterling Hotel...another place with a lot of good shows
The Great Allentown Fair...featuring Def Lepard this year!
Pulse Weekly...local music mag, see what the hell's going on around here!
Some really great bands
(that ya might not have heard of yet)
the Badlees....great local band on the rise, Jen's very first concert!
Jack Johnson....found some good, kick back tunes in Hawaii!
Natural Vibrations...a band we saw on our 2nd trip to Hawaii, a little reggae
Afrocelt...I find this group spiritualy uplifting! Robert Plant & Peter Gabriel each did vocals on one volume!
Rusted Root...another uplifting group, saw these guys open for Plant/Page
Emily's Toybox...one of my very favorite local bands, lots of original stuff!
The Norm....my other favorite local band, lots of fun, these guys are awesome, thanks Monty for pulling me up on stage!
Shopping for Music Goods
Up Your Tee!....awesome T-shirts from my friend Joe!
Old Glory....tons of T-shirts & other goodies
VROOM....for your Rock n'Roll collectables
TimeLife....music collections from any era
ARTROCK....the Art of Rock, collectables
Music Blvd... shop online for your music
Gypsy Rose
...very cool stuff!!
The Pyramid Collection....some more really cool stuff!
Links to the Valley
things to see & do
Columcille...the way you think it is may not be the way it is at all
Lenni Lenape...Museum of Indian Culture
Weird NJ...intersting places & stories of NJ.....if you dare
State Theatre...Theatre of the Arts
New Hope.....a great place to spend the day shopping!
Waterloo Village...neat place to spend the day, concerts under the tent
Dorney Park....amusement and water park, great coasters!
Land of Makebelieve...another amusement park, aimed at younger kids
Express-Times...our local news paper
WFMZ....local TV/radio station
Crayola....at Twin Rivers Landing
The Great Allentown Fair....something for everyone!
Matarazzo Enterprises....lots of links to Warren County
Bushkill Park...rides, roller skating, parties, ect.
Six Flags....Great Adventure!
Phillipsburg Mall.....has one particularly cool store
Delaware Water Gap...go take a hike!
Medieval Times...dinner & tournaments, what a great time!
Pulse Weekly...local mag on music & clubs in the area
Family & Friend's Pages
..without a friend there's no denying, you're incomplete there will be no finding looking for what you knew ...
DJ's page...my son inlaw, news & photos from Iraq
My Sister & Hubby.....the Texas Storm Front
Special Thanks to:
Midnite Cruiser...for making the beautiful Triple Goddess & Pentagram graphics for me!
Stingray...at the Tattoo Factory, for his brilliant talent and designs made just for me! (Even Robert was checking it out!)
Tori...my best friend and partner in crime, thanks for all the great times, rock on!
Some Spiritual Links
open your heart & your mind, and remember, you are here on purpose!

Dr Wayne Dyer...this guy is a GENIOUS! I LOVE his work, catch him on PBS sometime, awesome inspirational speaker!
Indigo Children...they will change the world, for the better!
Kindred Spirits Fair...a weekend of fun & music
Inspirations...a great shop owned by wonderful people!
Rainbow Crystal...for everything you need to know about crystals & stones
Azuregreen...a good source of supplies online
Columcille...another kind of time
St Johns...Metaphysical Universal Ministries...church was never so fun!
Emissary of Light...more info on Indigos
World Mysteries...info, facts & pics of the world's greatest mysteries!
Reike Org....learn about Reike and it's natural healing energy
NJ Ghost Hunters Society...I ain't afriad of no ghost!
Comments, questions, or just to say hello, please sign my guest book,
thanks & bright blessings!
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this page first started on 3/6/98
last updated on 1/8/07
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