Welcome to the
Rider's Page. Here you can find information about some new bands
that are waiting for a chance
to record their first album. You can find too the site dedicated
to ASIA, one of the best prog-rock bands.
To end, a little database with several bands we recommend.
This is the number of visits we have had since March 98:
Page designed and directed by Jose Manuel Medina.
Best view in 800x600.
Thanks to:
Dave Gallant and all Armadans, Emilio Gutierrez, J.R.Gutierrez,
All Kashmir
All Deluxe, Brian Clancy, Joel Van Eyck, Fred Belelie, Geoff
John Payne, John Wetton, Ramesh Iyer, All Cannon Jack, my
girlfriend Isabel
and all who bring us support.
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