don't even bother downloading this page without Netscape 4.0 or IE 4.0 and if u don't have ur resolution set to 800x600 this page will download all phukt up so please follow these instructions b4 viewing! thanQ!


Please click above or below for more information. This is an urgent call to anyone who reads this!! The time for action is NOW! Pennsylvania Governor Thomas Ridge has signed a warrant for the execution of Mumia Abu-Jamal. The date of Mumia's execution by lethal execution has been set for December 2, 1999. OUR PROTESTS MUST BE HEARD!!


click here for more info.
don't talk about it.... DO IT!!

Click on da guestbook!!
tag it... get ur own... peep it...

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Mi Casita de Hip-Hop!

Hola!! There have been so many changes in my life... just haven't found the time to be on-line. but when i got the email about Mumia Abu-Jamal's death warrant being signed, i had to take the time to post it on my site.

now, as soon as i get the software (for free - hopefully!!) i'll be giving these pages a facelift... like i said before, i'm bored with the way it looks now. so keep checking because there will be changes! one luv... PEACE.

ICU - Ill Crew Universal

Support Online Hip-Hop!! MADD PROPS TO DJSMALLS FOR MAH NEW BANNER! don't 4get to sign my guestbook b4 u leave...!!!

Please be nice -- i'm still learning!