Click on a pic to go to that part of the site! BTW, if you have AOL, look for me online as ControlDeniedHWF....If I'm not there, email me, dammit! Say hello! Don't suck!
The Stoned Age--->
Hello, fellow space travellers! This is my page, dedicated to the movie The Stoned Age. My name is Steve Sargent, I'm 22, I'm originally from Flint, Michigan, and now reside in Traverse City, Michigan. Currently listening to Disturbed's "Believe", His Infernal Majesty's "Razorblade Romance", Iced Earth's "Something Wicked This Way Comes", Summer Dying's "Beyond The Darkness Within",
and all Katatonia.
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Worm Gear Zine...Updated hardly ever, but still kicks much ass....still waiting for #12 Marty...
Hot Emulation Action
Metal Maniacs Magazine!
The Official Iced Earth Website...Check it out once, you won't be disappointed!
All text (except when noted) by Steve Sargent 1997-2002.
© 1997-2002