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By The Grace of an Angel:

A Kow caught in the Web

By an Angel's Grace of course


Lava Lamp

I am queen Dikki of Northern Southern Carolina. [[Ever been therE?!]] Better known to those who love me [(and i know you do!)] as Nikki. MEOW!
As of now I am just another pretty face in the hallways of Hillcrest High School, Simpsonville. [[GO RAMS!!!]]

My Lovely Bestest Friends:

(Amii's love for 25 months (31 months DST(Doug Standard time)...this changes every 10th of every month)
THE DJ on the planet I talked to for hours...
A vegetable known as chicken.
Heather Brown!
Ashley Williams
Sara Church!
MY bestestestest Online friend Jow. I love you Jow! :)
And Sean too....but he's not as special as Jow...well..almost. :)
Bradley :)
Shirley Williamson
the giver of Metallica...=)
We mustn't forget Maggie!

(soon to be updated)

**Download my favorite software**

Anywayz welcome to my page again. If ya got anything cool you want me to add i'll be glad to. Oh and y'all bear with me i'm still learning this HTML shtuff!!! More and more everyday because NOW I have an HTML book. but it's necessary to bring me...er...YOU (the viewer?) the coolest page possible!!

Some of my most favorite bands are Metallica, Aerosmith,Smashing Pumpkins, Korn, Limp Bizkit, Orgy, Pearl Jam's Last Kiss cover, (I know it's not a band but i love the song!) and Fear factory's cover of "Cars" and many other altenative and rock bands. David got a new Four Track so he's all thrilled. I'm sure you care! :) I don't care as long as it's rock. :)

Or give me some cultural stuff such as broadway or classical all that stuff most teenagers usually think is for old people is pretty interesting if you think about it! or BETTER YET don't think about it just listen to it.

I recommend the soundtrack to Les Miserables. The American musical.( I myself finally bought it in January...It's $30...what did you expect?? ) Comments?! Questions? Let me know.


Anyway I like to play sports a lot. I *LOVE* softball and enjoy a good round of basketball now and then though i probably couldn't make a shot to save my life. Odawell. Give me any old sport! Hockey? never tried it but i can skate pretty good! Maybe one day i'll give it a try. Football? I love it. Wrestling???( not the redneck kind, the kind you see fine, built seniors and juniors in their wrestling outfits 0;) GO RAMS!) No need to ask. :)

That is a link to my friend David's and Andrew's web page about their band. David actually made it but i thought i oughta add Andrew since he's my friend too! If you like Rock music like Korn and Limp Bizkit and Live check it out! Even if you don't like it! Check it out anyway!!! =) ((and david i'm quite sorry i can't get your stupid picture to work but OH WELL! Besides the twinkle is prettier.))

 Nobody's been calling me. *sigh* Won't you please call? It's a
FREE call! Go ahead...

I absolutely adore my new extracurricular activity, Speech & Debate. I LOVE YOU PEOPLES~!!!!

One of my favorite quotes:

My only love sprung from my only hate, too early seen unknown and known too late, Prodigious birth of love it is to me that I must love a loathed enemy --Juliet


Last (for now) but certainly not least:

What sick, ridiculous puppets we are. What a gross little stage we dance on....what fun we have dancing!!!


Y'all come back now! Ugh...i said y'all


Read my Dreambook!
Sign my Dreambook!
pretty © 1998

Hopefully soon to be a proud contender in THE SITE FIGHTS! (i'm waiting for approval...do you think this is G-rated?)

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to those who care: i am 17...and am I acting my age!!