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    Oh yeah! You've come to the one of the stupidiest, most useless sites on the web. Thanks for stopping by. I'm Thom and I'll be your web-master for the duration of your stay at Thom Land. Come on in and "surf" around for a while. And just so you don't get lost, there is a neato-burrito little tool to the left of here just to help you out.

    If you love to waste time, then you've come to the right place. That is what this site is about. Wasted time is what this site was built on. "Damn, I got 10 minutes, I think I'll work on my site." Those are not too uncommon words for me. But, hell, as long as I like the outcome of the site and I passed the time by, what the hell should you care, right?!

    If you have any troube in the browsing of this site please tell e-mail me. Also, I greatly appreciate your comments. Questions, comments, etc. Can be directed toward me at SilentH737@aol.com

    If you wanna chat with a big dork and you have either ICQ or some form of AOL you can do so. ICQ #16916061. My AOL screen name is 'SilentH737'. I use both, but I'm very rarely on ICQ so if you see me, seize the oppurtunity.

    "It is very rare in this society, to find normal function of a healthy colon. For abnormal function, colon hydrotherapy or enemas - as they are commonly known - are recommended. And this is what we need to tell the kids take care of your colon and your colon will take care of you."
         -Travis Barker of Blink 182
    In Memory Of Owen Hart: 1965-1999
     E-Mail: SilentH737@aol.com   © 1999 Silent H Web Productions.