All About Barry
        i!! I am Barry! This site is all about me and my life... so, if you care, take a look and see what you can find.
          At the end of May of 2001 I found a job as a Sales Rep for a wireless company in Pittsburgh called
Cricket Communications which made me decide to make my move to Pittsburgh.  Check out my Online Resume.
          In the beginning of May of 2001, I graduated from
Central Penn College, near Harrisburg. I earned an
   Green Day is my favorite band. They are a band from Berkeley, California that I have loved since the early 1990's. They seem fun and cool and love doing what they do. Not only do they love doing what they do, but are serious when it comes to making music and are very talented and good at it!
Billie Joe Armstrong is the guitarist/song writer, Mike Dirnt is the bassist, and Tre' Cool is the drummer. For more on Green Day, check out my Green Day Page!! Here is another Green Day Page (I did this one at college!)
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Last updated: May 1, 2007
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   Reel Big Fish is another one of my favorite bands. These guys rock so hard and I DO NOT understand why more people don't like them. Click on the link up above to join the ReeL BiG FisH CLUB. Next time they're in Pittsburgh ... I am THERE!!
     I got to see them last time they were around and they were awesome! Almost all the guys (including Aaron) came out after the gig and I got to meet them. Go out and buy they're newest CD. It's an awesome CD and is called "CHEER UP."
Join the i-squad now!
Favorite Actors/Comedians
Harland Williams - My favorite stand-up comedian and if you get a chance to see him live, DO IT! What a
treat it is to see him go to work my friend. He is hillarious!! I went to see him 3 times & got him to sign my
"Rocketman" case and a CD cover. WOOO!!
Jim Carrey - My favorite comedy actor. He is just so talented and funny and I think he's a awesome person!
Tom Hanks - My favorite overall actor. There aren't many movies that he was in that I don't care for. Two of
them are my favorite movies EVER!! (
The Green Mile and Forrest Gump)
Jim Breuer, Pauly Shore, more to come...
Red Hot Chili Peppers, Good Charlotte, The Living End, STYX, Poison
Favorite Bands
Associate's in Applied Science degree in Multimedia/Internet Production.
     In May of 1999, I graduated from Milton Senior High School. In high school, I played sports and was in a band, called
Lesser Known, for 2 years. I was born on November 23, 1980.
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