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This is a non-commercial infosite about old Roland G series Arrangers Keyboards and Music Workstations. This site will not be updated futher. For more actual info see the site. steenr on |
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21-11-2004 |
11-05-1998 | |
16-05-1999 |
02-04-1998 | |
17-05-2005 | |
16-03-1998 | |
18-06-1998 | |
16-05-1998 | |
Still to come | |
14-11-2006 | |
03-09-2002 |
Since: 17 March 1998
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lot of free Latin styles.
Try theese paramters, and you'll experience how close the G-600/G-800 is to the original Hammond and Leslie sound, despite they don't have a Rotary effect as the G-1000 has.
Arranger: Style: A45 8B Pop5 Tempo: 68 beat Drum Variation=4 Adv=On (Start: Basic, fill-in with: Variation) Tone: UP1: A32 Organ2 UP2: A33-3 Organ3 (Change between A33-3 and A33-4 Leslie Slow/Fast) LOW: A32 Organ2 ADR: A51 Jazz ABS: A52-2 Fingered Bs2 Mixer: 1 Realtime: UP1: Vol=119, Pan=64, Rev=100, Cho=124, Del=0 UP2: Vol=119, Pan=64, Rev=100, Cho=124, Del=0 LWR: Vol=100, Pan=64, Rev=100, Cho=124, Del=0 2 Arranger: acc: OFF ADR: Vol=127 ABS: Vol=88 4 Effects: 1 Reverb: 4-hall2, 1-Char. Vol=4 2 Chorus: 0-Chorus1 1 Pre-Lpf 0 (0) 2 Level= 64 (64) 3 Feedback= 0 (5) 4 Del= 112 (90) 5 Rate= 7 (9) 6 Depth= 5 (19) 7 ChoRev= 0 (0) 8 ChoDel= 0 (0) PARM: 3 Cntrl: 1 Keyboard Velocity UP1 = Medium UP2 = Medium LWR = Medium Bass Invation: On Start C-maj, E-min, A-min and so on, then the Bass just walks down one tone every time you change the accord. If you use the keyboard HOLD=On, you have the ability to use the left hand for switching, allthough you have to be quick.
On G-1000 you have a master volumecontrol menu. It gives you a good overview and it's easy to operate, but you don't have a fully correct view of the settings, because you only see the highest value of the parts in a group. E.g. Drums can show 85 on the master, but when you go down to the detail view you find that MDR(manual drums) = 85 and ADR(automatic drums) = 60. To regulate the correct volume from the master menu, I change all parts in a group to the same value, (as I seldom use the MDR, MBS), because it means that the value shown on the master menu is actual the value of the part you want to control. When you change the volume on a part using the master volume control all parts in a group will be change up or down.
AS I have mentioned several times, the Leslie effects of the G-1000 is not very impressive. I think it is because you try to add Leslie effect to sampled organ sounds which already contains some sort of Leslie effect and because theese effects are mono effects and not stereo. My experience is that you get the best result by applying the Leslie effect on the sounds from the A31, C31 and E31 banks, and if you use the Leslie effects on a guitar you get more Leslie than on an organ sound.
As a feature of the G-1000, it is possible to upgrade the SW by using a diskette. On the former keyboards G-800 and G-600 this could only be done by replacing a chip, which contained the SW - also called firmware.
You can check the version of your G-1000 SW, by holding down the "SHIFT", "WRITE" and "RESET" buttons down simultanously and power-on the keyboard. The version number of the sw will then be shown on the display.
G-1000 software update (latest version 1.06 27-04-1999):
The driver is downloadable at: or See also all the various links to Roland see Links
UPDATING the G-1000 software:
Insert the floppy containing either the Software program into the FDD. Turn the instrument on while keeping the "Select" (Style/Midi Set) + "Gm/Gs Mode" + "Bass Inversion" buttons pressed.
By pressing the "Style 1" button you will exit the flash loading mode and the instrument will get back to the old program.
By pressing the "Style 2" button you'll start loading the Flash EPROM. If the loading operation of the Flash EPROM has been completed, you'll have the confirmation if the message "COMPLETED" is displayed.
After the software update procedure, you MUST perform the following operations : - Load Performance Memories. - Load Midi Set. - Load Custom Music Styles.
You can check the level of the keyboard firmware, by holding down the F1 buttom, when powering on the keyboard. The firmware level is then shown on the display.
If you expirience bugs and errors with you keyboard, you can get it fixed at your dealer.
If you suddently experience that the keyboard hangs-up with the last played sound and the only way to continue is re-powering the keyboard, there is hope for you. This bug should have been fixed with the firmware level 1.03
Some people have reported occationlly errors when recording and playback of midi-files. After a recording the keyboard sounds very odd, but Roland claims that it must be a user error. If you also have recognised occational problems with MIDI-files, try to recreate the situation. I am very interested hear your experience!
Be aware, that you allways should reset you keyboard to FreePnl00 before you start playing any midi-files, as Roland writes in the manual, only in this way you can be shure, that the setting of the sound modul is correct.
..every one who have tried to make new styles on a G-800 kompatible keyboard find it very difficult.
Therefore the intension of this page is to share all the tips and tricks of creating and modifing Roland User styles.