P L A T I N U M....P L U S....:....A....9 8....D E G R E E S....H O M E P A G E


98° have released another CD and to the looks of it, their new single, "Because of You", seems to be doing great on the charts.

Interested in finding out more about the group? Check out their Individual Biographies and find out what you have in common with the guys of 98°.

Want to interact with the guys by listening to multimedia excerpts of interviews? Hear them talk live. Check out their conversation with Vancouver's local radio station.

Are you wondering when the heat will be stopping by your town or when they will be featured on TV? Go to the calendar and check out whether the guys will be performing in an area near you. (finally updated!)

There are a gazzillion people that I want to take the time to THANK. Are you one of them?

Transcripts from past interviews are available for your enjoyment. More to come soon! (Pls email me if you have any interviews available...full credit will be awarded to you!)

Do you think you know everything there is to know about the group? Challenge your skills with the 98° Quiz.

Do you own a 98° site and think that it deserves an award, or are you a fan and have found the best 98° site ever? Nominate them for the Platinum Plus 98° Award!

Before you leave, please take the time to scribble down a little message in the Guestbook. Do you think the NEW look is better? Speak your mind!

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Do you want to check out other great 98° sites? Follow this link to all the greatest 98° sites on the Web. Enjoy!

Feel free to email me at platinum_plus@usa.net