This homepage was written so as to enable me to shout my thoughts to the world without anyone stopping and/or arresting me. just click on the link for different parts of this big machine.
Here are the different degrees of pain:-
Finally it's here....Click to go to Marilyn Manson's AbBeY oF tHeLeMa.
If you're bored of going round in circles on the net and want to find something good go to: "Vlad's Corner Of Hell".
I decided to soften up this site by adding A sWeEt ToOtH pAgE.(NEW! NEW! NEW!)
A place to know what I really think about things is The Machine. (Don't worry it's not as depressing as it looks)
This page is under heavy construction so do not be surprised if you do not find some of the items featured here GET YOUR OWN FREE HOMEPAGE!! at