
Welcome to The WWW page of

Large And In The Way

An ALL MEAT band.

A Pre-cloning All Meat Band

We're playing at The Merry Prankster Cafe for their first Halloween Party on Saturday night. Yep. 'Tis true. So be there!
[Sound]And now a word from the band...

Hi there. We be Large And In The Way, in Northern California. Read our band member biographies to see that we never been near a petri dish! Read the old story about George as told by the band! See our performance schedule! Bookmark and stay tuned for the entertainment, folks, with more band member rants, Things Unknown, and whatever else we decide to foist upon you, dear web visitor.

Simple Questions, Simple Answers

But we're sure you'll get the idea...

So, why do you call yourselves "an all-beef band?"
We average 1400 pounds per gig, that's why. Take a look.

How did the band, and the name "Large And In The Way" come about, anyway?
It was all because of a bottle of Mickey's Big Mouth And here's the story about that.

What do you guys play?
Pretty much whatever we like.

Can you elaborate?
Okay....ahhh...for instance, we've even surprised ourselves on where a line will go, and what we end up playing.

What else does the band do?
You mean when we're not engaged in weird, perverted, musical or technical pursuits?

I guess so.
Pretty much whatever we like.


HELLO DOLLY! We want Ian Wilmut to clone us.

NOTE: As a point of information, we are not affiliated with the American Cattlemen's Association or the friendly folk at MuttonBone.com (but we wear the same boots).

Other people we have absolutely nothing to do with, but since links can take you to places you never imagined, we thought we'd continue the practice:

www.public.iastate.edu/~magico/pba.html Precision Beef Alliance

cs.bluffton.edu/~holstein/ Laurie Sue, bovine with an attitude

ws4.niai.affrc.go.jp/dairy/dairy.html/ Japanese Dairy Cattle Improvement Program

Feel free (wait, shouldn't you always feel free?) to email us at TheAllBeefBand@geocities.com

Page-milking and udder-tweeking by bill_underwood@geocities.com

You are visitor since December 12, 1996.

These pages were developed entirely on Macintosh computers. Moof! Best viewed using Netscape 2.0 or later on Mac or PC platforms. If you're still in the stoneage (or lost on that MuttonBone page) then click on the Netscape icon and go get it before the guy with the stun gun gits here!

Page calved on: 11 Dec/96. Dolly was only five months old then.
Last updated: 10 Oct./97.

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