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visitor since 4 June, 1997.
MYTH OF THE CLEAN KILL (Comp) "Taking of a life" 17/9/95
HUMAN ERROR (self titled) 23/6/96
Human Error began mid 1995 (I forget the date, short term memory loss) as a project between Dave F. (me) and Filthy Phil (Philthy) who was at the time living in Adelaide. We had met quite a few times before that at parties, demonstations etc. and common ground was quickly found on the issue of animal rights. Wanting to become more active, and get serious in our desires to stop animal exploitation, the idea of a band formed. Not wanting to just be a band, but something more, the Human Error collective began. We advertised for a bass player and a drummer, the advertisement stating that no musical experience required, as we don't have a hope, or want to, make it big, and a desire to be active in 'more than just a band'. Getting two replies for the bass player position we met both James (Grandpa Larry) and Fiona. It was during a jam one day that we found James to be the drummer we were always after (ie: needed) and so the line up was established. This first line-up was with Philthy on vocals, 'New Wave' Dave on guitar, Fiona on Bass and James 'Grandpa Larry' on drums.
Our fist gig was at the Sarah Sands Hotel on August the 24th 1995. We jammed twice a week at my abode (above a bank and right next to a McChucks, hehehe, little did they know), coupling aggressive music with direct action. Much went on at this time, which for fear of prosecution I will not repeat. Needless to say the band stood out, early eighties style punk, in your face lyrics that had crowds in an uproar. We touched on taboo subjects that we considered a major part of the punk movement, but others disagreed. We were accused of many things, militant straightedge, (me the pot smoker from hell, given to spells in hospital from over indulging in alcohol), PC nazi's, militant vegan reich, you name it, we copped it. All in the attempt to discredit us, and of course this never happened. We have had audiences jump on stage to beat us up for pointing out that violence will not be tolerated at our gigs. We have been banned, for a short time, from a pub for being too political, and too confronting. ("punters are there to drink, not to be made uncomfortable"). We have pointed out nazi's in audience that called themselves "punk" (to quote one: "It's so easy to be a nazi punk in Melbourne, no-one hassles you.") We changed that. Our lyrics are confrontational, yes, we do not think we are preaching to the converted, as they don't appear converted to us! When you can go to a 'punk' BBQ, where the wimmin are making salad and talking in the kitchen, the men are sitting out back with the chops and steak on the barby, drinking like fish, coca-cola in one hand a slab of meat in the other.....what makes them punk other than the clothes they wear and the music they listen too?
During this time, police attention at our "base" rose, the arrests and subsequent court cases for theft (ie: liberation) put a large amount of pressure on our direct action activities. We went deeper underground. It was also around this time that a single by the group M.D.C. drew my attention. 'Food Not Bombs' was the title, and after reading the inserts, wondered if there was an FNB-like group over here. Not finding such a non-hierarchal food distribution network, I got the FNB book. The first kitchen was a simple BBQ and pot of food, myself and George 'Wog' setting up in the city square. Our first meetings were at the brown-warehouse squat in Collingwood, and attendance was about 10 people. FNB Melbourne has grown from this humble beginning. All this time suffering police harassment; stopped at Flinders St Station by undercover policeman, followed from home to the local station, constant surveilance on the house etc.
Animal Liberation Victoria (The business not the cause) condemned a few of our undertakings, specifically a protest against McDonalds organised by a group called E=FORSE (Equality = Freedom Over Racism, Sexism and Equality)that we were heavily involved in, as being too over the top, boardering on 'riots'. Unfortunately the committee of A.L. Victoria did not consider that people with coloured hair should be part of their movement. (A quote from Jim the President). Their control extended to telling us they wanted to know of our direct actions before they occured, and warning us away from certain activities. Needless to say we ignored their posturing, and continued our exploits.
Human Error did at least 2 gigs a week for a while there, always at the forefront of abuse. Our first recording was GET YOUR APATHY OUT OF OUR MUSIC recorded 17/9/95 in Ian Cook's kitchen, with a live recording of a gig at the Arthouse Hotel (formally the Royal Artillery Hotel) on the 3/11/95 again mixed by Ian. At the same time we recorded "Taking of a life" for a future benefit compilation for South Australian Duck Rescue.
It was not long after this that differences in the band brought about the unfortunate split with Fiona. We gained the drumming expertise of Chris from MUTINY. With James moving back to bass as he was originally going to play. However due to the pressures involved in being in two bands, Chris has since left us to continue with MUTINY. He has helped us greatly since then with recordings, and we still consider his drumming to be the sound we always wanted.
Our next recording was two songs for the compilation RIOT ON RAMSAY STREET,"Are you really happy with the life that was chosen for you" and "Punk as...who cares?", done on the 6/6/96 in my loungeroom. To follow this was another recording mixed live at the Arthouse 23/6/96. Self titled HUMAN ERROR this recording was punctuated "This time around it's just us, no slogans, no preaching, just our music and our message. Take it how you will.", again mixed by Ian Cook.
Our two latest are one side of a 3 single box set compilation, soon to be released in Sydney called "Meat eaters are to animals, as the Nazi's were to the Jews." recorded 10/12/96 and a song or two for Spiral Objective's East Timor Benefit LP, also soon to be released.Times have been hard for us bandwise since these recordings, the inability to find a regular drummer has caused us many problems, and dodgy gigs with teaching a stand-in drummer (Thanks John!!) has left a lot to be desired, but a loy of fun anyway. Other projects have dragged us away from the chance to jam, and a lot of the quality of our live music has dropped since then. Phil has since left to live in Europe and our line up is undergoing changesthat we think will be for the better. A new guitarist, female vocalist, with myself and James swapping between vocals and bass. We wish to keep a constant diversity in our music, as this reflects what we listen too. We also wish to challenge peoples beliefs by making them think about the society that we live in, by bringing up 'thoughts' in an explosive way. Believe me ... people discuss the issues we raise, and this is the purpose for us being so ... 'direct'.
"Some punks cry about their situation, other DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT"In
solidarity, Dave Error for the Human Error Collective.