Welcome to the

Hey what's up. My name is Chrissie, I'm 17, and I live in Lancaster, PA-home of the Amish. Some of the bands I like are Cocksparrer, The Clash, The Sex Pistols, The Buzzcocks, X-ray Spex, Eater, (Eater and The Clash: '77 to '98!), Dropkick Murphys, Fear, Sham 69, Toy Dolls, etc. and local bands The Cursed, The Emetics, The Side Affects, Sprocket, Stiletto Boys, and Part of the Problem. I like to drink, and watch cheesy 70's zombie movies. But anyways, this page isn't about me. It's dedicated to the Lancaster punk scene. I've got a list of local shows, updates on some bands, a columns page, which is updated every month and tells about some stuff that's going on here. I've also got a page full of awesome links. I can always use info on shows, cool links, band updates, or just anything I can put on the columns page. Email me! Hate mail, scene updates, or just if you're bored, anything, I don't care. Sorry if my page isnt kept up to date, but i go to school, work 30 hours a week, and my free time is usually spent at shows. So just bear with me


Central PA Show List

Band Updates




Links to other sites on the web:

Misfit raz's Homepage

Mr Widgit's Homepage

ARA at Philly

Angry, Young, & Poor's Homepage

Hopefully I'll keep this page up to date. Also I'll try to add some interesting stuff. Check out my guest book:

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To send me e-mail click on the picture above.
punx have drunk here since January 13, 1998.

Last updated (finally!!!) 10-21-98.

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