Burn in Hell!!!!!!

Quote of the moment:

"When things all go wrong and it seems like they can't get any worse, just throw your hands in the air and say oh well, because they're probably going to get a whole hell of a lot worse"

Alfred Packer

If you haven't yet, you should look in my guestbook, for the infamous Neckcutta vs. The Cerial Ciller & Ruddigger debate. I posted his entry, along w/ a conversation I had w/ him over ICQ on the secondary page of www.thegatesofhell.org, homies suck. If you have any (unfortunate) encounters w/ homies on the net (I'm suprised some of them know how to turn on a computer), e-mail AzagTh0tH. Try to include their homepage (if they have one) and e-mail address. AzagTh0tH is always in the mood for some good old homie bashing.

Well, for those of you who don't know me and just happened on to my page (I pity you), I am The Cerial Ciller. I am in the band Corpus Christi and this is the page I set up for it. I can sometimes be found in the best bands geocities chat, so if you're lucky you can catch me. If you are wondering who made my new logo, it was Ruddigger, thanx a lot Ruddigger! Anyways, on to the page.

Here is my menu of things to see, to do, and to experience:

learn about the album we may (not) put out

read some faqs so you don't have to bug me w/ questions

learn general info/history about the band

if you really care about what pages, I associate w/, go to my linx

learn all of the stuff that's going on

see some pics of the band (please note that you have been warned:-)

listen to music written and preformed by Corpus Christi

you are dumb ass # to visit my site since Aug. 4 1998

Chances are that I've offended you. Don't just sit there and bitch at your moniter, e-mail me, we can exchange insults!




Or if you don't feel like waiting for me to reply to e-mail write in my guest book (I promise to write an equally witty reply if you flame me):

Slander it
Look at it
Guestbook by Lpage

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