Headrops were a young gothic/wave band based in Parma, Italy. They formed in 1991 with lineup: Tommaso Granelli (guitar), Paolo Papotti (guitar), Simone Toscani (bass), Davide Mazza (drums), Alessandro Tellini (vocals). Several lineup changes occurred until the final one, which was Alessandro Tellini (vocals and guitar), Riccardo Mattioli (guitars) and Davide Mazza (bass and programming). Under mysterious circumstances, the band eventually split in 1999. During that amount of time they recorded 2 demos, "Strani insetti" and "In fiamme", were included in a couple of compilations and played hundreds of gigs in Italy. Davide Mazza (Maze) and Riccardo Mattioli (Mate) are now active with their electronic project BLANK |
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