KOBAÏA Ïss De Hündin !!

Vive Kobaïa !!

Welcome to the KOBAÏAN cyberland, the world of real human civilization. Throw away every bit of vulgarity from your mind and listen to Magma's celestial chants & rythmes emanating far from the Kobaïa planet!!

Magma is one of the most inovative and influential progressive rock band from France. This home page is dedicated to Magma, its offsprings and its children, and to all the Magma & Zeuhl fanatics on Itah.

This site will always be in construction. :-) If you're a Magma/Zeuhl fan and want to contribute to this home page, please contact me.
I need Your Help And Contribution!!

[Last Updated : Jun. 11th, 1996]



Other Progressive Rock Homepages

The Progressive Rock Ring

And The Staff!!

Minsu Jang (cats@gw2.hyundai.co.kr), Marcelo Spindola Bacha (dronsz@magma.lin.ufrj.br), Peter T. Thelen (ptlk@netcom.com), Michael Feathers (feathers@news.gate.net), Steve NOTOYA (GCE03456@niftyserve.or.jp), Olivier Nguyen(Olivier.Nguyen@esc-pau.fr), Nigel Harris(gargoyle@ppp.bekkoame.or.jp), Steve Feigenbaum(cuneiway@aol.com), Timothy Robinson(pinehead@ix.netcom.com)

Maintained By Minsu Jang. For any additions and suggestions, you can send a mail to me.
Number Of Visitors Since Jun. 5, 1998:

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